History, plus Richly Detailed Biographies!

Faulkner County, Arkansas


New 49-Page Booklet

Early days in Faulkner County, AR, are recalled in this spiral-bound booklet, comprised of excerpts from Goodspeed's Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski, Jefferson, Lonoke, Faulkner, Grant, Saline, Perry, Garland and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas (1886), and from  Arkansas, A Guide to the State, a 1941 WPA publication. The 49-page booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The first part of the booklet contains a brief history of the county: Organization of county from parts of Pulaski and Conway counties; names of various officials -- judges, sheriffs, treasurers, coroners, surveyors, assessors, state representatives, convention delegates, etc; Selection of a county seat; Court houses; Physical Features, including the
Arkansas River; Geology; Agriculture; Early settlers -- John Standlee, John C. Benedict, the Wyley brothers, John McElmurray, Benjamin Murphy and many others; the Railroad; Courts and attorneys; Civil War days; the town of Conway; Pinnacle Springs, a noted health resort;  Schools and churches; etc.    

Besides the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Most are fairly lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include:  William H. Adams,  Franklin C. Bartlett, G.W. Bruce, George T. Clifton, C.W. Cox, Dr. Uriah G. Dickens, Barzalia Elliott, Green Berry Evans, Benjamin S. Farrow, Joseph J. Fowler, Samuel Franenthal, David R.B. Greenlee, L.B. Griffing, Thomas J. Higgs, George Green Howard, Dr. John Joseph Jones, Dr. J.F. Kincheloe, Adam F. Kuykendall, Levi N. Lee, Louis C. Lincoln, A.S. Lind, D.P. Loretz, J.E. Martin, Edward Munroe Merriman, J.R. Miller, Jacob A. Phillips, Col. A.P. Robinson, Joseph Rodan, Jacob Sansom, Alexander Showalter, Thomas Springer, Esley P. Stone, M.R.H. Taylor, J.W. Underhill, Dr. H.B. Wear, J.R. Williams, H. Bailey Wilson and Col. A.R. Witt.

 The WPA section includes stops at Conway, home of three colleges, the Missouri Pacific Tunnel, and Cedar Park, site of Cadron, which once rivaled Little Rock, and a small map of the area.  

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