Phillips County, ArkansasUSA New 77-Page Booklet | Early days in Phillips County, AR, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet, conprised of excerpts from the 1889 book, Goodspeed's Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas, anda product of the WPA, Arkansas, A Guide to the State, published in 1941. The 77-page booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover. The first part of the booklet contains a brief history of the county: Settlers, including Sylvanus Phillips, Nicholas Rightor and others, county buildings and officials, attorneys, agriculture, geology, the Civil War period, Helena, the county seat, Poplar Grove, and other communities, and other items of interest. Besides the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Most are fairly lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include: Capt. J.C. Barlow, Rev. J.M. Boetzkes, R.S. Bonner, Charles L. Bonner, James T. Brame, Nicholas Brickell, Samuel H. Brooks, John L. Brown, Moses Burkke, William S. Burnett, James A. Bush, S.B. Carpenter, Calvin Clark, James P. Clarke, Gen. Patrick Ronayne Cleburne, William C. Cooke, J.W. Clopton, Col. Hoggatt Clopton (pix), Jesse P. Clopton, Roland J. Cook, H.P. Coolidge, D.H. Crebs, Job Dean, Amos W. Dougherty, Isaac Ehrman, L.A. Fitzpatrick, Robert Fitzhugh, N.J. Fritzon, Bogan N. Gist, Thomas Clark Glasscock, James P.H. Graham, Dr. H.M. Grant, Nathaniel Lee Graves, F.M. Hawkins, William Harvey Henderson, Richard B. Higgins, William Hildreth, S.H. Holtzclaw, E.C. Hornor, Thomas H. Hubbard, Edward L. Hubbard, Obadiah B. Hudson, W.D. Hutchinson, Thomas M. Jacks Jr., Dr. Thomas L. Jackson, Dr. G.D. Jaquess, Col. Amos Green Jarman, Joseph F. Jarrett, Nathan Johnson, Joseph D. Kendall, James C. Kersey, S.H. King, Simon Krow, James H. Lanier, Henry Lawrens, Silas Lingg, Dr. D.A. Linthicum, Thomas J. Lucado, William M. Lowry, Gen. L.H. Mangum, Isam Manning, Peter Mengoz, Aaron Meyers, P.T.R. Miller, John P. Moore, John T. Moore, William M. Neal, M. Newman, Judge R.W. Nicholls, William B. O’Shields, E.D. Pillow, Allen J. Polk, Col. Cadwallader Polk, E.A. Porter, James C. Rembert, William H. Renfro, S.M. Reynolds, William Rose, Judge M.T. Sanders, Arthur M. Scott, James C. Shell, Frank B. Sliger, Edward Sonfield, Christopher Columbus Spain, William H. Stone, W.B. Stout, Major J.A. Tapan, Reuben Terry, Dr. G.F. Thomin, William Thompson, Judge P.O. Thweatt, Joseph Woodson Thompson, Mrs. Emma Ann Turner, Nathaniel Berry Turner, Capt. B.Y. Turner, James R. Turner, Dr. Richard N. Venable, B.B. Waddell, Capt. D.R. Weedman, L.J. Wilkes, Giles W. Wilkes, S.A. Wooten, and George W. Yancey.The WPA section includes a tour that begins at Marianna, with stops at West Helena, Helena, Lakeview and Elaine. The guide gives a bit of history along with points of interest. Wouldn't this make a unique gift?