White County, ArkansasUSA New 164-Page Booklet | Early days in White County, AR, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet, conprised of excerpts from the 1889 book, Goodspeed's Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Eastern Arkansas, anda product of the WPA, Arkansas, A Guide to the State, published in 1941. The 164-page booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover. The first part of the booklet contains a brief history of the county: Location and physical features, Agriculture, railroads, The Royal Colony -- a group of early settlers from Tennessee, and other early pioneers; formation of the county; County courts, officials and buildings, early settlers, the Civil War period; Searcy, the county seat, and other towns -- Beebe, Bradford, Bald Knob, Judsonia, Kensett, Spring Park, West Point, and others; Schools, including the Searcy Male and Female College, Galloway Female College and Judsonia University; Churches, and other items of interest. Besides the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Most are quite lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include: H. K. Adams, James H. Adkins, John M. Allen, Thomas Smith Anderson, Moses Morgan Aunsspaugh, William C. Barclay, John M. Bartlett, Judge J.J. Bell, John W. Benton, Dr. T.B. Bobbitt, Robert I. Boggs, M.Love Booth, Gilliam Harper Booth, William F. Bradley, William Sackville Brewer, Dr. Charles Brown, Dr. R.L. Browning, Prof. Augustine W. Bumpass, Patrick Burns, George T. Burton, Robert W. Canada, R.W. Carnes, William H. Carodine, W.B. Carter, Alfred T. Carter, J.M. Catheart, R.W. Chrisp, Arthur Smith Claiborn, Green B. Clay, Dr. J. C. Cleveland, John D. Coffey, John Reed Coffey, William R. Cook, Joshua J. Crow, Jesse N. Cypert, J.W. Darden, Dr. James M. Davie, J.C.B. Davis, James B. Davis, John D. DeBois, John J. Deener, G.W. Dobbins, Charles L. Douthat, William T. Dowdy, T.A. Duncan, James Dupriest, Dr. J.S. Eastland, J.W. Edie, William H. Edwards, Thomas J. Edwards, James H. Edwards, Thomas B. Ellis, James Figg, W.E. Fisher, J.B. Foreman, Uriah E. Gentry, M.N. Gentry, C.S. George, Robert N. Gill, Emmet O. Gilliam, Dr. James Monroe Gist, George W. Goad, Joseph H. Grammer, B.F. Grammer, Philip Yancey Graves, Alfred Greer, James E. Gregory, Dr. Albert Griffin, Elijah Guise, John M. Hacker, James William Hall, Jacob Alah Hammons, John William Hammons, Abraham Hancock, Edward Harper, Rev. Henry F. Harvey, Richard D. Harris, Hubbard P. Heard, Col. V.H. Henderson, John T. Hicks, N.B. Hilger, Rev. William H. Hodges, John G. Holland, Dr. W. G. Holland, A.B. House, Andrew J. Hughs, D.W. Holiman, George Irwin, James M. Jackson, J.R. Jobe, Wiley A. Johnson, Thomas P. Jones, Dr. H.C. Jones, Dr. Arthur Clifford Jordan, J.S. Kelley, James M. Key, Blount Stanley King, John Thomas King, E.C. Kinney, H.C. Knowlton, Enoch Langley, Rev. Isom P. Langley, Fayette T. Laster, F.P. Laws (pix), George W. Leggett, Dr. John L. Leggett, John H. Leib, Benjamin W. Lewis, Jefferson Pinkney Linder, Benjamin H. Lumpkin, Dr. J.F. McAdams, Maj. John C. McCauley, James A. McCauley, George C. McCauley, R.H. McCulloch, Miles C. McDowell, George W. McKinney, D.L. McLeod, Dandridge McRae, Thomas Jefferson Malone, Mrs. Malinda J. Malone, Jeremiah E. Manasco, John S. Marsh, John W. Matthews, Burwill M. Merrill, Christian Miller, Dr. John S. Mitchell, Nathaniel Lee Mitchell, Dr. Josiah J. Moncrief, Dr. William Bird Moon, Dr. William D. Moon, Moore & Lyon, M.M. Morris, George L. Morris, James R. Neal, John H. Neal, John A. Neavill, Charles E. Newman, Elijah B. Norvell, T.J. Oliver, William De Berry Overstreet, Rev. William M. Owen, Littleberry B. Parker, John T. Patterson, Rev. J.A. Pemberton, Joshua W. Pence, N.B. Pettey, John Andrew Phelps, Joseph T. Phelps, Wiley D. Plant, Henry W. Pope, Amaziah M. Price, Carroll A. Price, L.M. Pyles, Thomas Jefferson Quick, William C. Rainey, John F. Randall, Dr. James F. Ray, William P. Reaves, J.F. Redus, Jackson V. Reynolds, James P. Rheu, Mrs. Mary M. Rhoden, Dr. Willshire Riley, Elbert A. Robbins, J.W. Robbins, John A. Roberson, A.T. Rodmon, Benjamin Rogers, Thomas J. Rogers, John P.H. Russ, James E. Russ, Christopher N. Saunders, Elihu Q. Seaton, Dr. Andrew C. Shoffner, Thomas Smith, Joel W. Smith, Frank W. Smith, William Smith, Abner F. Smith, Dr. J.A. Snipes, Omal H. Stanley, J.W. Starkey, Lee Thomas Stewart, A.L. Stowell, Henry Beverly Strange, William H. Strayhorn, Alfred B. Sutton, Rev. J.M. Talkington, Andrew B. Tate, Dr. A. Byron Tapscott, Thomas P. Taylor, Michael Teer, Prof. W.H. Tharp, J.C.C. Thomas, Dr. John A. Thome, James Wair, Capt. Calvin Calkins Waldo, J.T. Walker, Walker & Ford, W.T. Wallis, Caleb Parker Warren, Thomas Warren, Col. Thomas Watkins, T.W. Wells, Dr. M.C. Wells, George G. Wells, William C. West, Judge N.H. West, A.J. West, Samuel A. Westbrook, Daniel W. Wheaton, James K. Whitney, I.J. Whitsitt, William M. Williams, Dr. F.M. Winborn, Robert J. Winn, John W. Womack, Alfonsus A. Wood, Daniel T. Woodson, James R. Woodson, James Maury Wright and James A. Wright. The WPA section gives a bit of history along with points of interest for the county and nearby area. Stops include Bradford, Bald Knob, Judsonia, Searcy , Bebee, Austin and Jacksonville.Wouldn't this make a unique gift?