A colorful history of an American County...

History of

Marshall County, Iowa

New 168 Page Book

Early days in Marshall County, IA, are recalled through colorful (sometimes humorous) tales and factual data in this 168 page illustrated booklet, a reprint of the hard-to-find: History of Marshall County, Iowa by Mrs. N. Sanford, produced by Leslie, McAllaster & Co., Printers and Binders, Clinton, Iowa, in 1867. This new spiral bound booklet is printed on 5.5" x 8.5" 60# bond paper with the front cover protected with a vinyl sheet. The booklet, titled:

Marshall County, Iowa USA

is one of over 400 booklets we have reproduced, all preserving the writings of early historians.

Among the topics discussed are: railroads, stone and timber, pasturage, manufacturers, schools, military record, history -- from the Indians and the Indian War, to the first settlers; the various townships -- LeGrand, including a section on Women's Rights and the temperance movement, Timber Creek, Marietta, including the city of Marietta (first county seat), Iowa and the town of Albion and Iowa Lutheran College, Marshall and Marshalltown, county seat; Vienna, Bangor and the village of Bangor, Minerva, Marion and Fredonia and Green Mountain, Greencastle, Eden and the village of Edenville, State Center, Washington, Liberty, and Jefferson, other bits of history and trivia. A Business Directory and 10 pages of old advertisements are at the back of the booklet.

The booklet mentions many names, and also includes a number of brief biographies. Some of these are: D.L. Arnold, T. Abell, Henry Anson, Dr. John Childs, Sylvanus Rice, Wells Rice, John A. Kelly, C.B. Straight, Dr. George Glick, S. Lacy, David E. Parret, H.C. Henderson, Rev. J.P. Sanford, G. M. Woodbury, (includes pictures of those whose names are in italics.) Also pictured are H.C. Henerson, James. P. Sanford, Co. Banbury of the Iowa 5th, H. Gerhart, Col. Shurtz of the 8th Cav.

Besides the portraits, illustrations include: Presbyterian Church, Marshall Woolen Mills, home of H.E. J. Boardman.

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History of
Marshall County Iowa
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