91 Page Illustrated
Early days in O'Brien
County, IA, are recalled through colorful tales and factual data
in this 91-page illustrated booklet, a reprint of the hard-to-find:
History of O'Brien County, Iowa by D.A.W. Perkins, first
published in 1897. This new spiral bound booklet is printed on 11"
x 8.5" 60# bond paper. The tri-color cover is on 80# card stock,
with the front protected by a vinyl sheet. The booklet:
History of O'Brien
County, Iowa USA
is one of over 525
historic titles we have reproduced, all preserving the writings
of early historians. Although the booklet is new, due to the deteriorating
condition of the 100+ year-old original book, the printing is sometimes
light. A second booklet, covering the histories of the towns and
cities of O'Brien, is also being offered on eBay. You won't find
these booklets at your local book store!
the topics discussed are:
the name of the county;
early settlers, their hardships and stories; Indians; early government
and officials (lots of names);, the ferry boat; churches; the gopher
scalp bounty; politics; squatter land; businesses; court records;
newspaper; schools, a list of school board officers; a list of Civil
War veterans, and much more.
The booklet mentions
numerous names, and also includes a number of brief biographies.
I've picked out some of these:
Hannibal and Hannah Waterman, "Dutch Fred" Fieldman, the
Inman family, Hank Smith, E.T. Parker, Rev. W.W. Mallory, Rev. Clifton,
Jake Wagner, Alfred B. Husted, D.B. Harmon, William Wager, J.S.
Brosh, Ed C. Brown, Stephen Harris, R.G. Allen, J.K. McAndrew, Archibald
McDonald, Fitzmire family, R.M. Boyd, James Magee, Warren Walker,
W.E. Welch, James Roberts, James Roberts, W.C. Butterfield, J.J.
Hartenbower, W.H. Dorsey, Dan McKay, William Renolds, Isaac Sprague,
George Mennig, C.F. Butterfield, Patrick Carroll, A.J. Brock, Isaac
Toothacker, George Klock, E.F. Parkhurst, the Herrick family, J.W.
McFarland, Merwin family, W.H. Knepper, John W. Wilson, E.W. Bache,
John Hart, J.W. Davis, John D. Butler, J.M. Van Kirk, Thomas Robinson,
the Potter family, A.B. Hicks, William H. Dummett, John Chrysler,
D.C. Fields, and J.A. Smith.