History of Ringgold County, IowaNew 128 Page Illustrated Book | Early days in RinggoldCounty, IA, are recalled through colorful tales and factual data in this 128-page illustrated booklet, excerpts from the hard-to-find: Biography and Historical Record of Ringgold County, Iowa, which we believe was originally published by the Lewis Publishing Co. of Chicago in 1887. (Note: The original book was in tatters when we acquired it. Since the title page was missing, we obtained the above information from other sources and while we are confident it is correct, we cannot prove its accuracy. The book appears to have been originally printed on newsprint or a similar low grade of paper, making it very brittle. Pieces of some pages were missing, but the information remaining is a good source of historical and genealogical data. We felt this made the reprinting of it worthwhile, even in its poor condition. ) This new spiral bound booklet is printed on 11" x 8.5" 60# bond paper. The tri-color cover is on 80# card stock, with the front protected by a vinyl sheet. The booklet:History of Ringgold County, Iowa USAis one of hundreds of historic titles we have reproduced, all preserving the writings of early historians. Although the booklet is new, due to the deteriorating condition of the 100+ year-old original book, the printing is sometimes uneven and there are some blank areas within the text. Among the topics discussed are: the boundary dispute between Iowa and Missouri, topography, Charles Schooler and other early residents, the Civil History of the county, with names of early officials, financial settlement with Taylor County, Legal proceedings, slaves, a murder among friends with Indians falsely accused, the first district court and Ringgold's first county judge. the political history of the country at the time Ringgold became a county and during the Civil War, local officials, the county in the Civil War (with lots of names of participants) and stories of some units, especially the Company G, 4th Iowa Infantry, the 29th Iowa Infantry, and the 46th Iowa Infantry; the Press, the Bar, the town of Mount Ayr, and the villages of Kellerton, Tingley, Redding, Goshen, Wirt, Beaconsfield, Delphos, Ringgold City and others, and other items of interest. .
The booklet mentions many names, and also includes
numerous biographies as follows: Abarr, D.C.;
Abarr, J.W.; Allyn, George; Allyn, John; Anderson, A.T.; Anderson,
George; Anderson, William; Archbald, John; Arnett, Henry; Arnett,
W.L.; Askren, Robert; Auxier, E.E.; Avenell, James; Bailey,
Samuel; Baird, Absalom; Baird, Samuel; Barnes, William; Barrett,
J.T.; Baston, Jowett; Baumann, H.M.; Beall, Albert; Beall, I. Thomas;
Beamer, Zed; Bear, Solomon; Beard, James; Beaty, John; Benedict,
Melville; Benson, M.P.; Bernard, J.T.; Berson, J.H.; Blackmore,
Alexander; Blauer, John; Boggs, Addison; Bonham, L.L.; Bosworth,
Charles; Bradley, William; Brockett, J.W.; Brown, Elizabeth (Mrs.);Brown,
George; Brown, Joel; Brown, William; Bullard, J.C.; Campbell,
Robert; Campbell, Thomas; Campbell, William; Canney, Thomas; Carlton,
David; Carter, J.D.; Carter, J.T.; Casner, William; Chance, Dorington;
Coffin, Byron; Coie, John; Cole, William; Cook, Friend; Critchfield,
C.W.; Crouch, J.W.; Daman, Cyrus; Davis, M.V.;
Day, Benjamin; Denhart, Casper; Dewitt, E.N.; Dickson, George; Dickson,
John; Dille, Charles; Dukes, John; Dunning, Day; Dunsmoor, Alson;
Edwards, J.B.; Ellis, Francis; England, Samuel; Estel, George; Fife,
Robert; Fisher, J.B.; Fittro, S.W.; Folts, John; Foster, A.; Foster,
L.; Fouser, John C.; Fouser, William; Fuller, J.W.; Fullerton, George;
Gander, J.H.; Gartin, G.W.; Gibboney, Francis; Glaze, S.W.; Gleason,
Peter; Gleason, W.L.; Glendenning, James; Glendenning, John S.;
Goodell, Abner; Gorsuch, J. Mack; Graham, I.G.; Green, Miles; Grimes,
Charles, Grimes, Pleasant; Gustin, Alpheus; Gustin, Jeremiah; Hall,
R.B.; Hall, Thomas; Harvey, William; Hathaway, Albert; Haviland,
William; Heaton, Ernest; Henderson, John; Henry, Robert; Hepperley,
T.C.; Hess, Andrew; Hetzer, P.F.; Himebaugh, B. David; Hoffman,
M.P.; Hollingsworth, Colman; Horn, William; House, O.C.; Huggins,
Saville, & Lawhead; Hunter, John; Hutchison,
John; Imus, Andrew; Imus, Leonard; Ingram, A.O.; Ingram,
Andrew; Jackson, Phillip; Jarvis, P.; Johnson,
Abraham; Johnson, George; Johnston, Andrew Johnston, John; Judy,
Robert; Keller, Benjamin; Keller, Isaac; Kinsell, DeWitt;
Kinsell, John; Kinsell, Z.T.;
Landreth, Eli; Laughlin, Will; Layton, William; Lee, L.T.; Lent,
Arculus; Lesan, George; Lesan, John; Liggett, Thomas; Liles, George;
Lillie, R.P.; Long, Jonathan; Longacre, Ephraim; Lorimor, Asher;
Loutzenhiser Brothers; Lucas, William; Markley,
William; Marshall, Isaac; Maxwell, M.C.; McAninch, William; McClurg,
John; McDonald, Malay; McElroy, John; McGugin, Frank; McPherson,
Joseph; Merritt, Andrew; Merritt, Daniel; Merritt, Peter; Merritt,
W.H.; Merritt, William J.; Merryman, A.M.; Merryman, John; Miller,
H, T.; Miller, J.O.; Miller, James A.; Miller, James; Miller, John;
Miller, John; Miller, Nathan; Miller, William; Millsap, Irenus;
Millsap, W.A.; Moore, General S.; Moore, John; Morrison, George;
Mosier, Abraham; Nevill, B.; Newton, J.I.;
Ogier, Isaiah; Oliver, Isaac; Osborn, T.V.; Page,
John; Palmer, Ira; Parkhurst, Jonathan; Patterson, J.L.; Payne,
Addison; Peckham, William; Penick, William B.; Perkins, J.L.; Pingree,
Francis; Poor, John; Poore, D.W.; Pratt, Edgar; Preston, David;
Price, James; Price, Thomas; Quinn, William; Rapp,
Charles; Raynard, R.; Reed, Erastus; Richardson, John; Riley, Lawrence;
Riley, Robert; Roberts, Abraham; Robinson, Francis; Robinson, Joseph;
Ross, Henry; Rush, Aaron; Rush, Job; Russell, Charles; Ryan, John;
Saltzman, Nicholas; Saville, Jacob; Scott, John; Seimiller, Henry;
Selby, R.W.; Sergeant, L.D.; Shattuck, Charles; Shawler, Richard;
Shay, Luke; Sheldon, Henry; Shepherd, James; Sherill, Thomas; Showalter,
C.H.; Showalter,
J.J.; Simpson, James; Sinco, John;
Smith, Rev. S.; Smith, W.T. Snyder, Carlton; Stahl, Michael; Stahl,
Solomon; Stamper, Thomas; Stephens, George; Stephenson, J.M.; Stevenson,
Andrew; Stevenson, John; Stevenson. Thomas; Stuck, Edward; Stuck,
Jonathan; Talbot, A.F.; Talbot, Benjamin; Talley,
B.F.; Teale, A.H.; Teale, George; Tedford, J.H.; Tedrow, Silas;
Thomas, J.H.; Thompson, D.W.; Thrift, W.D.; Tidrick, Daniel; Todd,
Henry; Todd, J.T.; Trullinger, M.S.; Walter, A.F.; Walters,
Christian; Watson, Robert; Waugh, Harvey; Wheeler, Peter; Wilcox,
Joseph; Wiley, A.S.; William Timby; Williams, G.W.; Williams, James;
Williams, Robert; Wood, DeWitt; Wood, William; and Wyant, G.A.
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