A Genealogical goldmine...

History of

Tama County, Iowa

New! 139-Page Booklet

Early days in Tama County, IA, are recalled through colorful tales and factual data in this new 139-page booklet, a reprint of the hard-to-find 1879 book: History of Tama County Iowa, Its Cities, Towns and Villages with Early Reminiscences, Personal Incidents and Anecdotes, and a Complete Business Directory of the County by Samuel D. Chapman. 

We opted for a shorter title:

History of Tama County, Iowa USA

Because of the larger paper our booklet has fewer pages than the original book, but still includes all of the information.

This spiral-bound booklet is printed on 11" x 8.5" 60# bond paper. The tri-color cover is on 80# card stock, with the front protected by a vinyl sheet. It is one of hundreds of historic titles we have reproduced, all preserving the writings of early historians.

Here's a sample of the many topics:  First settlements, the murder of William Stoppand, Home life and amusement, State and County roads; Geography; Railroads; Sac and Fox Indians; Township histories; Agriculture; Temperance; Court houses; Prairie Pirates and criminal records; County fairs; Civil War days (with names of many soldiers); Newspapers; Churches; Schools; Poor Farm; Politics; the communities of Toledo, Tama City, Traer, Montour, Dysart, Chelsea, and other small towns; and other items of interest.

The booklet mentions many names, and also includes numerous biographies as follows: J.C. Vermilya, Charles Mason, Abram Tompkins, West Wilson, Jasper H. Scott, James B. Merritt, J.G. Hull, S.S. Mann, W.G. Malin, John W. Fleming, Major T.S. Free, Dr. H. Welton, Jacob W. Lamb, Anthony Wilkinson, William Hartsock, D.C. Lamb, James Harper Brooks, George H. Warren, Nathan C. Wieting, Frank E. Smith, and Gamaliel Jaqua.

Wouldn't this make a unique gift?



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