Early days in Jasper County, IL, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this new 8 1/2" x 11" spiral-bound booklet, printed on 60 # opaque paper. The booklet, an excerpt from the hard-to-find 1884 book: Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and Richland, Illinois published by F.A. Battey & Co. of Chicago, is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.
Communities currently listed for this area by the National Association of Counties, excluding the townships, include: Hidalgo, Newton (County Seat), Rose Hill, Sainte Marie, West Liberty, Wheeler, and Yale.
Among the subjects discussed are: Formation from Crawford County; Gen. Marion's men, Jasper and Newton; Topography, Location, and Geology; Agriculture; Early Settlement of "Wabash Country"; Squaters, Outlaws, Counterfeiters, Horse thieves, etc.; "Mint Creek"; Benjamin Shooks, Dr. Sultzer, Jack McCann, James Jordan, William Price, William Lewis, Job Catt and other early settlers; Indian War Dance scare and other memories and adventures of early pioneers; Political Organization and names of early officials; Interesting details of the ten townships -- such as notable weight, height and age of various citizens; Public buildings; Courts and crimes -- such as altering marks on hogs and theft of a brick house; Social Development and daily life of pioneers; Early transportation -- Roads, Ferries, Bridges, Railroads; Newspapers, Churches, Schools, Societies; the Civil War -- 8th, 11th, 21st, 38th, 46th, 130th, 143rd, 155th Illinois Volunteer Infantry units, and the 5th Cavalry unit; Gen. U.S. Grant's leadership as Captain and colonel with 21st Illinois Regiment; Newton, where "whisky was king"; St. Marie and Joseph Picquet's "Colony of Brothers"; other villages; and many more bits of history and trivia.
Attention Genealogists: Besides the many names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Some are brief, but many include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities, in the course of which they often shed light on the businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include: City of Newton and Wade Township -- J. F. Arnold Jr., John M. Bell, W.L. Bridges, M.K. Busick, J.M. Catt, C.M. Davis, A.A. Franke, James E. Freeman, George K. Gosnell, John H. Halley, Capt. B.W. Harris, James M. Hicks, Dr. H.S. Hinman, Thomas Hunt, Hale Johnson, Simpson Johnson, William B. Jones, C.D. Kendall, T.J. Martin, J.H. Maxwell, Benjamin Miller, Ogden Monell, Daniel O'Donnell, H.K. Powell, Gilbert Reisner, Frank Richardson, B.F. Rogers, Casper Rush, Frank L. Shup, John H. Shup, Frances A. Stevens, A.J. Strole, William Trainor, G.V. Vanderhoof, W.G. Williams, A.J. Woods; Willow Hill Township -- M. Allison, John Auspach, H. C. Bollinger, S.B. Bowman, William J. Chittenden, Ephraim Cottrell, Isaac Debow, Jeremiah Doty, Dr. W.H. Eidson, Dr. Henry A. Eidson, Job Fithian, E.C. Flinn, Dr. M.L. Gettinger, W.H. Higgins, G.R. Hopper, George W. Jones, J.B. McNair, W. F. Mason, J.A. Merrick, John Miller, Capt. T. K. Miller, William H. Muchmore, William C. Parks, E.W. Parks, I.B. Parr, M.H. Perrin, J.R. Reese, Hugh F. Sanders, G. M. Selby, Frederick A. Sempsrott, Milton Sims, S.C. Stewart, Henry Stewart, Isaiah Stewart, W.J. Swope, A.C. Terhune, P.A. Terhune, William T. Watt, Jesse Way, T.H. Weck, Thomas J. Wiseman; Crooked Creek Township -- Adrian F. Aten, Amos Bartley, George D. Briggs, Nathan Brooks, Robert H. Brown, Mitchell T. Bruster, Amos P. Caldwell, Joseph Coad, William Conner, George S. Conner, Jonathan Cowger, John B. Cowger, James Cummins, John Cummins, John F. Cummins, Capt. Robert S. Cummins, James H. Davison, Dr. James F. Davison, John Davison, Henry H. Elder, David Hammer, William W. Hays, Elijah R. Heath, William Hunt, Elihu Hutson, Oliver R. Jackson, Judge James E. James, John F. Kibler, William T. Kibler, Harrison Kilburn, Dr. William M. King, Andrew J. Lake, John T. Land, John W. Lee, William H. McComas, Thomas McDaniel, John M. Melton, Robert W. Moore, Cornelius Murphy, Enoch K. Nelson, Daniel Perrine, William A. Powell, George W. Sutton, Kineson Vanatta, John Vanatta, Joseph E. Vest, Armstead Ward, Rev. John T. Warren, Rezin Wilkins, Isaac C. Worden; Grandville Township -- Lloyd Bailey, Dr. James McCord Barlow, John Bates, John Benson, Dr. Robert S. Byers, Dr. Norman Comstock, John R. Cramer, William A. Gifford, Abram S. Huddlestun, James W. Huddlestun, Capt. Samuel Jarrett, George W. Jeffers, Capt. William Leamon, James Leamon, William McCain, William Martin, Charles F. M. Morey, Silas D. Odell, Henry Purcell, Elias Reichard, Francis Shacklee, Fendol P. Snider; Smallwood Township -- Abel Armstrong, N. Boldrey, Thomas Brown, J.J. Calvin, A. Fleener, John A. Heady, B.A. Heady, Peter Jackson, J. H. Kellam, A. Kellam, Thomas J. Kirk, George M. Manning; Grove Township -- William Badger, Albert Gallatin Caldwell, Rebecca J. Caldwell, James L. Crews, John T. Hanna, C.G. Hess, William C. Junior, Mathew Meinhart, Dr. S.B. Metheny, Peter Myers, Dr. N.D. Myers, John Sowers, Alexander Wallace; North Muddy Township -- Anderson Burnsides, Dr. J.C. Chapman, H.H. Dietz, Capt. William C. Gillson, Capt. W.C. Harned, L.S. Lollar, G.H. Mercer, Jonathan Trexler, Alexander Wilson; South Muddy Township -- Isaac Johnson, John H. Mahaney, Charles Mason, Lyman Randall, William N. Stuart, James E. Worthey; Saint Marie Township -- Joseph Picquet, James Picquet ; Fox Township -- Joseph Boos, Thomas Cahill, James F. Compton, Thomas Gibson, Dr. C. Harris, Paul Hartrich, J.Q. Hitch, J.W. Hughes, Rev. J.L. Jessup, Joseph Kaufmann, Anthony Kaufmann, A. Litzelmann, Albert M. Phillips; William Shryock, J. Shryock, William P. Spray, Dr. James H. Tanguary, J.N. Thrapp, Dr. S. R. Youngman.
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