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Jefferson County, Indiana USA

New 164-Page Booklet

Early days in Jefferson County, IN, are recalled in this booklet of excerpts from the rare 1889 book: Biographical and Historical Souvenir for the Counties of Clark, Crawford, Harrison, Floyd, Jefferson, Jennings, Scott and Washington. The brand new 164-page spiral bound book is 8 1/2 x 11 1/2" and is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet protects the front cover.

Books for Clark, Harrison, Floyd, Crawford, Jennings, Scott and Washington counties are also available. You can find them listed in our eBay Store.

Some of the topics in the history section are: State and county boundaries; Townships; Physical features, such as Clifty Falls and Cedar Cliff ; History of many early settlers; Oldest house; An Indian Scare; Early roads; Abolitionism; County buildings; Churches; the City of Madison -- history, businesses, newspapers, mills, banks, city council, fire dept., schools; Other towns -- Bryantsburg, Brooksburgh (now Brooksburg), Canaan, Dupont, Deputy, Hanover, Kent, Lancaster, North Madison and Wirt; Hanover College and College Hill.

This booklet is a goldmine of information for genealogy seekers, often giving the names of parents, spouse, in-laws, children, siblings, etc., as well as military service, politics, residence, occupation, and more. The bios include both early settlers and residents of the county in the 1880's: 

Capt. Joseph C. Abbott, Charles W. Allfrey, Capt. John Armstrong, Holly Austin;

Samuel Baker, George Barber, William Baxter, James W. Bayless, William H.H. Benefiel. George R. Bolen, Joseph T. Brashear, William P. Brown, E. Buchanan;

Dr. Isreal T. Camby, Ira Chambers, Capt. Isaac Chambers, James Chambers, William Chambers, Richard Chapman. James A. Cochran, William Cochran, Cyrus Commisky, J. Randolph Conway, William Cordrey, J. Rodolphus Conway, E.S. Coyle, James Craig, John Crawford;

Lewis Davis, William W. Demaree, Thomas Dow, William McKee Dunn, Judge Williamson Dunn, Isaac C. Earhart, Hiram Francisco Sr. & Jr., Thomas J. Francisco;

Capt. Rufus Gale, Col. Michael C. Garber, Nicholas Gasaway, Marcus A. Gavitt, Charles H. George, Bruce Gillespie, Green B. Giltner, John W. Gordon, Joseph R. Gorgas, George W. Graston, Rev. Louis Gueguen;

Alonzo J. Hall, John F. Hammell, Christopher Harrison, Gov. William Hendricks, William Wallace Hinds, Henry Jackson, Henry Jines, Henry Clay Jones, William Johnson;

Edward Kampe, Francis M. Landon, James F.D. Lanier, John W. Linck, Zephaniah Lloyd, Joseph H. Lochard, Charles V. Loring. Jonathan Lyons;

Robert Mathews, John Mathis, William H. Matthews, William Matthews, Francis Fresh Mayfield, George T. Mayfield, Burditt Mayfield, James A. McGee, John F. McKay, William E. McLeland, John G. Moore, Robert Morton, John W. Morton. Louis Muth;

Ann Parker, Col. J. N. Patton, Col. John Paul, Dr. Benjamin A. Penn, Squire Phillips, John J. Piles, John F. Pommerehn;

Dr. James V. Rawlings, Earl T. Rector, Dr. John H. Reynolds, Joseph T. Reynolds, John Richert, John B. Ritchie, Hiram F. Robbins, William Robbins, Edward Roberts, Daniel A. Roberts, Leander M. Robinson, James Robinson, John T. Royce, Jared Ryker (pix);

John G. Salisbury, Otis Bartoll Sappington, John W. Scott, Francis M. Schoolcraft, Rev. John Seepe, Michael Sheets. Granville T. Smitha, Christopher Smart, Leonard D. Spann, Elder Robert Stevenson, Robert Stevenson, Marcus B. Sulzer, Robert H. Swan;

Jesse B. Thomas, Mark Tilton, Rev. James W. Turner, James Underwood, Capt. Argus D. Vanosdol, Elder Jesse Vawter, Milton S. Vawter;

Patrick Wade, John Henry Wagner, William Walch, William Watlington, Dillard D. Whitham, George Whitham, George Widerin, Benjamin B. Williams, Remembrance J. Williams, Mrs. Matilda Willoughby, Thomas Wise, James C. Woods, Robert H. Wood, Dr. C.H. Wright (pix), John A. Zuck

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