
Ballard & Carlisle Counties, KY

New! 94 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in three Southeastern Kentucky counties are recalled in this new 94-page booklet titled:

Ballard & Carlisle Counties, Kentucky, USA

The spiral-bound booklet is a compilation of excerpts from a trio of hard to find sources: the 1885 book, Kentucky: A History of the State by J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin and G.C. Kniffin, History and Memories of Carlisle County by Ron Graves (1958) and Kentucky, a Guide to the Bluegrass State, a 1939 product of the WPA Writer's Program.

The tri-color front cover is printed on 80# card stock and has been protected with a vinyl sheet. The text is printed on 60# opaque paper, with the print enlarged to fit the 8.5" x 11" paper and improve readability.

Towns mentioned include: Wickliffe (Seat of Ballard County ), Bardwell (Seat of Carlisle County), Arlington, Bachusburg, Bandana, Barlow City, Berkeley, Blandville, Burkley, Crossland, Cunningham, Filmore (Fillmore), Gage, Hinkleville, Kirbyton, LaCenter, Laketon, Lovelaceville, Milburn, New Providence, Newburgh, Pleasant Hill, and Wadesboro,

Among the many subjects included are: Geographic features of the area -- streams, lakes, bluffs, forests, etc.; Gen. George Rogers Clark and Fort Jefferson; Capt. Bland Ballard; Early Settlers -- Andrew Lovelace, the Stovall family with their colorful nicknames, Richard Goldston, James Blythe, and lots of others; the courthouse and jail, Hunting; Pioneer life; Early court sessions; Dispute over County Seat location; Schools and Churches; Early County officials; the General Baptist Banner, the Wickliffe Journal, and other newspapers; Civil War soldiers on both sides;a Colorful tale of a Big Bear Hunt in Carlisle County; Settlement of Campbell's Woodyard and Halls Branch, Legends of early families, including the Rev. Hedgeman Graves, the Sewells, William Thomas, P.R. Jennings and others; Wiley and Dolphus Brown, two Carlisle pioneers; How Salty Hill got its name; W.R. Turk and other businessmen, lawyers and doctorsin Carlisle County; the Bardwell Tornado of 1917; the Mob lynching of a Negro; separate section on the Jackson Purchase; and other interesting bits of history.

Individual Biographies of Ballard County residents, which often shed light on the area and times as well as providing specific genealogical data, are included for: John W. Adams, Benjamin S. Bailey, R.L. Billington, Rev. Robert F. Birkhead, Judge William S. Bishop, H.G. Black, Allne W. Blanks, Daniel Bodkin, W.H. Bradly, William M. Bradshaw, Samuel Brame, Preston S. Brown Jr., James H. Buchanan, John W. Bugg, Z.M. Bugg, Edmund S. Chenault, Col. W.M. Coffee, S.B. Coil, Isaac E. Conley, Jacob Corbett Sr., Frederick Crice, Frederick W. Crice, J.F. Crice, Stokeley R. Culver, John Davis, L.M. Davis, Isaac T. Dean, Dr. Eli J. Desha, Joseph C Dupoyster, James A. Earnhardt, William J. Edrington, Thomas Edward, W.A. Edwards, McD. Ferguson, Matthias H. Fisher, William B. Fisher, James Fisher, J.R. Flack, Ben Flint, Frank France, Capt. Nicholas Frech, Olinthus M. Garrett, W.M. George, John F. Gholson, Thomas L. Glenn, T.B. Greene, P. H. Gupton, G.W.C. Haggard, Charles M. Hall, David Hall, William E. Hall, John O. Harkless, William J. Harkless, W.D. Harrison, David Harp, Charles C. Harp, F.M. Hays, John C. Hearn, William H. Heath, William J. Henderson, Thomas L. Hill, Samuel K. Hinshey, George W. Hines, George Hinklle, Dr. Charles Hinkle, Dr. R.T. Hocker, A.B. Holt, Joel F. Holt, Thomas N. Holt, William Holman, George M. Holman, J. A. Hotchkiss, J. W. Gaddie, Elijah Hughs, T.L. Hughes, Dr. W.D. Hunt, Samuel W. Jackson, Judge Samuel H. Jenkins, W.W. Jenkins, Robert Y. Jerrell, John Jones, James M. Jones, Dr. David Juett, Benjamin A. Lane, John B. Lane, L.S. Lee, John S. Linderman, Andrew Lovelace, Virgil S. Lovelace, Dr. James M. Lovelace, Malachi McColpin, T.W. McConnell, Dr. C. McKinney, John W. Manor, G.W. Mantle, P.P. Martin, Lewis F. Marshall, Henry P. Melton, Isham Miller, W.A. Miller, Benjamin L. Moore, James H. Moore, William W. Morris, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Morgan, William W. Mosby, John L. Moss, Joseph T. Murphy, Jesse W. Nance, J.C. Neely, R.B. Neville, Thomas Newman, John M. Nichols, Gustavus A. Northington, John Lee Odoniley, Thomas B. Ogden, O. H. Oldham, John F. Owen, Dr. J.R. Owen, Dr. J.M. Peck, the Penn family, Jacob Penn, William H. Penn, W.H. Penn Jr., Christopher R. Pile, William R. Pile, George L. Porter, Richard Porter, P.C. Puckett, Curran P. Ray, Lysias C. Ray, William F. Reddick, Dr. Herman Reid, S.F. Richardson, Levi C. Roark, Charles N.B. Rollings, Martin V. Rollings, Wiley B. Rudolph, JN. Sanford, Dr. John S. Seay, E.W. Shelbourne, Adolphus W. Shelby, Dr. Robert M. Shelton, Dr. F.N. Simpson, James R. Skaggs, Cornelius D. Stahl, Thomas L. Stanley, George O. Stone, James H. Hublett, H. Sullivan, A.S. Taylor, John Taylor, C.C. Terrell, Dr. J.D. Terrell, Dr. G. A. Thomas, Alfred Thompson, Henry H. Trice, William R. Turk, John W. Turk, Dr. G.W. Turney, Thomas R. Tyer, Bernard Ulrich, Pleasant A. Vance, Gen. J. Vaughn, A.W. Violett, Robert R. Wakefield, A.J. Warden, John P. Ware, Wilson S. Watson, Squire William T. Weston, R. H. Webb, James D. White, R.C. Whiteside, John D. Wilds, George B. Wilks Jr., William J. Wills, Dr. H.L. Wiley, Richard N. Wyatt and Andrew J. Wyatt.

The brief WPA excerpt concerns the towns of Wickliffe and Bardwell. Illustrations are scattered throughout the Carlisle section, but are not of high quality. There is also a map of the Jackson Purchase.

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