
Fulton & Hickman Counties, KY

New! 101 Page Booklet

Early days in two Western Kentucky counties are recalled in this new 101-page booklet titled:

Fulton & Hickman Counties, Kentucky, USA

The spiral-bound booklet is a compilation of excerpts from two hard to find sources: the 1885 book, Kentucky: A History of the State by J.H. Battle, W.H. Perrin and G.C. Kniffin, and Kentucky, a Guide to the Bluegrass State, a 1939 product of the WPA Writer's Program.

The tri-color front cover is printed on 80# card stock and has been protected with a vinyl sheet. The text is printed on 60# opaque paper, with the print enlarged to fit the 8.5" x 11" paper and improve readability.

Towns mentioned in the booklet include: Fulton County -- Hickman (county seat), Fulton, and Cayce; Hickman County -- Clinton (county seat), Columbus, and Moscow. (Note: This area was part of the Jackson Purchase. An excerpt from the 1885 book relating to this purchase is included in our Marshall County booklet.)

Among the many subjects included are: Reel Foot Lake, the Iron Banks, the Chalk Banks and other geographic features of the area; Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, earthquakes and epidemics; Early settlers, such as Aunt Polly Hoffman, a midwife present at over 2300 births; Early county officials, grand juries and court actions; County representatives in the Confederate and Union armies; Early churches and early ministers; Education, including the first high school west of the Tennessee River, Clinton College and Marvin College; Attempt to make Moscow the Hickman county seat; Early businesses; Early newspapers; and other interesting bits of history.

Individual Biographies, which often shed light on the area and times as well as providing specific genealogical data, are included for: FULTON COUNTY: Madison Adams, J.M. Anderson, H.C. Bailey, J.D. Baker, Charles H. Baltzer, William Henderson Beasley, John Barnes, Robert H. Binford, John W. Blythe, John S. Bondurant, Prof. L.M. Boyle, Archibald E. Brevard, David Browder, R.A. Browder, James M. Browder, the Brown family, William Campbell, William T. Carr, E. Case, Dr. Silas Fleming Cayce, A.D. Collins, James Alfonzo Collins, N. Combs, J.W. Corman, J.W. Cowgill, A.M. DeBow, Harvey C. Donoho, J.R. Fairleigh, A.H. Fleming & his son-in-law and partner William J. Chipman, T.P. Fortune, James M. Freeman, T.M. French, F.N. Frey, A. J. Greif, J.F. Hall, Nathan Hammond, Cornelius F. Hanbery, Thomas D. Hays, James A. Herring, Dr. C.H. Hubbard, J.H. Huddleston, John A. Hughs, W.D. Hutchison, Samuel E. Johnson, W.C. Johnson, Arthur King, A.D. Kingman, Frederick W. Keiser, Samuel Landrum, B.B. Linn, Drew A. Luten, Dr. Samuel W. Luten, W.L. McCutchen, John R. McGehee, Hardin Maddox, William W. Meadows, Dr. J.G. Mickle, Dr. Charles W. Miles, A.T. Mitchell, J.B. Moody, Foster D. Moore, Dr. John E. Morris, Peter W. Mott, R.S. Murrell, William Nolen, W.P. Nolen, Samuel J. Noonon, Noah Norman, H.T. Norman, Presley J. Oliver, Dr. Gideon Paschell, Dr. N.J. Paschall, J.W. Powell, Richard C. Prather, T.A. Prather, Capt. William P. Reed, M.W. Richardson, James R. Roach, R.A. Robinson, John W. Rogers, Richard D. Roper, William T. Roper, Lewis Roper, Ephraim Rowe, H.M. Saunders, Albert H. Scearce, Rev. F.M. Sharp, M.B. Shaw, Andrew Shuck, Capt. William A. Shuck, J.H. Simmons, J.P. Smith, Ed. Starks, S.A.D. Steele, J.T. Stephens, John A. Stubbs, W.P. Taylor, G.B. Threlkeld, B.D. Thomason, James P. Tyler, Richard T. Tyler, A.V. Underwood, Dr. Francis M. Usher, George Warren, William O. Wear, C. Hughlette Wilson, W.W. Wright, and John A. Wyatt; HICKMAN COUNTY: S.G. Arnold, T.W. Ashley, Edward W. Avey, W.T. Barnes, Job Barton, Dr. George Beeler, Henry Berbling, G.J. Binford, J. Hays Blair, William C. Blair, William S. Blesingam, W.F. Boone, E.E. Bowers, J.E. Bowers, Willis R. Bradley, Capt. L.T. Bradley, Oscar F. Bridgman, Col. Thomas Brown, Dr. Thomas D. Bryan, Judge Edward I, Bullock, Edward T. Bullock, R. J. Bugg, George W. Bury, Robert N. Bushart, Henry C. Brummal, William W. Craig, John B. Cook, Otis Cook, Isaac R. Cook, Berry D. Davis, William B. Davis, Hillery Davis, Jesse Deweese, W.N. Ditto, Dan Dodge, Thomas E. Dodge, Robert H. Emerson, John C. Evans, Thomas Falkner, William H. Ferguson, H.M. Fields, Rev. G.W. Flowers, W.H. Galbraith, Moses W. Galloway, Judge John A. Gardner, Benjamin S. Gayle, William A. Gest, J.R. Graham, Robert W. Gray, C.A. Green, Daniel S. Green, George W. Griffey, Mrs. Martha V.C. Griffey, M.W. Hardin, William Harrison, Miss M.A. Hicks, Bat E. Hilliard, Judge E.C. Hodges, Dr. John M. Jackson, William A. Jackson, Felix E. Jewell, T.B. Johnson, Nimrod P. Johnson, R.H. Johnson, Dr. W.A. Jordan, Thomas G. Jordan, Pat Keirce, John R. Kemp, Joseph Kennedy, Mrs. Lucy A. Kerr, M.V. Kerr, William J. Kerr, Christopher H. Lee, William P. Lewis, Mrs. Hallie G. Lillard, John T. Little, James Marre, Charles E. Medley, James A. Miller, Ben M. Monroe, Robert W. Moore, W. J. Moore, J.L. Moss, N.P. Moss, William H. Moss, John Muscovalley, William Muscovalley, James H. Myers, Frederick Nagel Jr., Thomas J. Nall, Luke L. Oliver, William Pharis, J.P. Pollock, Joe E. Porter, B.W. Ramsay (brief), F.M. Ray, Matthew Reilly, Eliza G. (Buchanan) Remley, Robert D. Rennick, Dr. W.W. Richmond, Thomas N. Ringo, John D. Roberts, S. Roberts, E.P. Roberts, Thomas J. Roberts, John M. Robinson, the Salmon Family, Wakefield M. Samuels, Dr. J.R. Scarborough, Robert L. Scearce, John A. Scott, the Seay Family, Dr. Felix Grundy Seay, J.K. Sellars, J.G. Slayden, Capt. Thomas Sproat, L. Stout, John C. Sublett, William F. Taylor, S.R. Taylor, Samuel Todd, James L. Trevathan, C.M. Vaughan, M.D. Ward, W.D. Ward, William Weatherspoon, Thomas P. Whayne, I.C. Whayne, Rev. Willis White, Jacob White, H.C. Wilkey, B.S. Williams, Thomas Winn Jr., John Woodrow, J.E. Myatt, and Douglas Zimmerman.

The brief WPA excerpt concerns the towns of Fulton, Clinton, Cayce and Hickman. There is also a small map of the area.

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