Colorful Southern Minnesota Counties:

Brown, Redwood, Yellow Medicine and now....


New 106 Page Booklet

Early days in Blue Earth County, in south central Minnesota, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet reprinted from the rare 1882 book: History of the Minnesota Valley, by the Rev. Edward D. Neill. The booklet is printed double-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The booklet contains information on the following places: Mankato, Lime, Jamestown, Le Ray, South Bend, Judson, Cambria, Butternut Valley, Lincoln, Garden City, Lake Crystal, Rapidan, Decoria, McPherson, Medo, Beauford, Lyra, Vernon Center, Ceresco, Pleasant Mound, Shelby, Sterling, Mapleton, Danville, and Minnesota Lake.

Among the many subjects discussed are: Physical Features; Boundary and Claim disputes; Henry Jackson, P.K. Johnson, and other early settlers; County and/or community "firsts," such as the first post office; first bridge, first white woman in Mankato, first ferry licenses; etc.; "Misplaced" Winnebago Indian Reservation; "Knights of the Forest", Sioux exterminators, Scalp bounty law and bloodhounds -- reactions to the Massacre of 1862; the first agricultural fair; 16,000 bushels of grasshoppers; Railroads and Steamboats; Early Newspapers; Early businesses; Early churches and schools; the Mankato Settlers' Association, the Sons of Malta, the Mankato Glee Club, the Mankato Lyceum and other organizations; Real Estate Speculation; Attempt to rush jail holding 300 Indians convicts; Detailed description of Execution of 38 Indians; Illegal removal of the bodies; and many other bits of history and trivia.

For genealogy buffs: The booklet is full of names of early residents, public officials, business owners, organization officers, etc. There are numerous mini biographies of prominent residents in the various communities. And there's a list of Civil War soldiers in the following format:

Sixth Infantry. Company B. Private -- Peter Church, must. Oct. 1, '62, dis with reg't. Company E. Privates -- Christian Brustle, must. Oct. 5, '62, dis. with reg't. Jacob Mann, must. Aug 14, '63, trans. to Inv. corps Nov. 20, '63.

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