Settled after the Civil War...

Lyon County, Minnesota

New 37 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in Lyon County, MN, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this spiral bound booklet reprinted from the rare 1882 book: History of the Minnesota Valley, by the Rev. Edward D. Neill. The booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The county encompasses the past and present communities of: Balaton, Cottonwood, Florence, Garvin, Ghent, Lynd, Marshall, Minneota, Russell, Saint Leo, Stowe, Taunton, Tracy, and 19 townships: Amiret, Clifton, Coon Creek, Custer (Saratoga), Eidsvold, Fairview, Grandview, Island Lake, Lake Marshall, Lucas, Lyons, Monroe, Nordland, Rock Lake, Shelburne, Sodus, Stanley, Vallers and Westerheim.

Among the many subjects discussed are: Physical Features of the area; Transportation; Early settlements and trading posts; T.W. Custer, Charles E. Goodell, the A.W. Muzzy family, and other early settlers; County "firsts," such as the first store; first marriage, and first death; Early county seats and county buildings; Roster of county officials prior to 1882; Schools; Churches; the Lyon County Agricultural Society and other organizationa; History of the Marshall Messenger and the Lyon County News; Businesses; brief histories of the various communities, and other bits of history and trivia. There are brief biographies of a number of prominent residents.

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History of
Lyon County
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