Scott County, Minnesota
64 Page
Early days in Scott County, MN, including the present and/or past communities of Belle Plaine, Blakely, Brentwood, Cedar Lake, Credit River, Elko, Eagle Creek, Glendale, Helena, Jordan, Little Rapids, Louisville, Marystown, Merriam, New Market (formerly Jackson), New Prague (part), Prior Lake, Sand Creek (formerly Douglass), St. Lawrence, Savage, and Shakopee, and Spring Lake are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this spiral bound booklet reprinted from a rare 1882 book: History of the Minnesota Valley, by the Rev. Edward D. Neill. The booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.
Among the many and diverse topics in the booklet are: officers of the county in 1853 and 1881; Thomas Holmes, Daniel Apgar, Martin Byrnes, H.H. Spencer, Thomas O'Donnell, Michael Flynn, W. H. Calkins, and other early settlers; Early Indian missionaries, teachers and traders; Towns settled before farms; Natural features; Early trails; Shooting of a white woman by an Indian and other early murders; first birth, death, wedding, divorce; Departure of the Sioux tribe from the valley; "Old Jenks"; first ferry, first newspaper, first public buildings, first school, first teacher, first church; Indictment for giving whiskey to Indians; Early attorneys; "Rascals" in public office; Railroads; Manufactures, Banks, Mills and other businesses; Societies; Schools; Churches; the drugging of Little Six and Medicine Bottle; Battle between the Chippewas and Dakotas; Claim jumping and boundary disputes; Belle Plaine and the Crisis of 1857Two-fisted debt collecting; the Diary of D. M. Storer; an Indian haircut; the rise and fall of Louisville; Civil War Record of the county, and other interesting bits of history and trivia.
An extensive list of Civil War soldiers from Scott County is included. Here's a sample: First Infantry. Company A.-- Corporal -- R.W. Freer, must. Aprl. 29, '61, trans to U.S. cav. Oct. 23, 62. Privates -- G.B. Clark, must. May 17, '61, pro. corp., re-en. in 1st Minn. Bat. Int'y.; C.F. Clark, must, May 28, '61, killed July 21, '61 in battle of Bull Run...
The booklet includes brief biographies on: (alphabetized by first letter only) Samuel Apgar, Arthur Armstrong, Peter Atwood, John Brinker, Edward P. Berry, Joseph Baltes, Peter J. Balts, William H. Baier, W. B. Bandy, William O. Bolton, Albert Beer, Peter L. Becker, Francis Bliss, J.B. Bass, Fr. Baumhoefer, Francis Beisang, Charles Bornarth, Luther M. Brown, Christian E. Busse, John Berrisford, Henry F. Bauer, Andrew J. Bliss, Benjamin Bliss, Stephen Barnett, Enos Bragg, Johnson Bragg, Philip Corbel, Edmund Coghlan, W. H. Calkins, E. G. Covington, Johan B. Conter, Homer L. Campbell, Jacob J. Diestler, Dr. James H. Dunn, I.N. Dean, Gotleib Ernsting, John Edert, Dr. Carl Augustus Entrup, P.A. Freer, Edwin Foss, James Foss, Franklin Frankland, John L. Gannon, Christian Gran, Frank Gifford, George Gardner, George William Gellenbeck, M.A. Galvin, M. Gates, Patrick Griffin, B. Guenther, Henry F. Gross, Genry Gutenberg, Wm. E. Grinnell, Frank N. Hagar, Joseph Hovorka, Rufus F. Hatfield, W. Heidenreich, Frances Xavier Hirscher, Casper Hilgers, Gerhard Hilgers, J.B. Husmann, William Henry, Lewis R. Hawkins, John Holleran, Frank Hohmann, Lewis R. Hawkins, John Holleran and Mathew Hauer, S. Hoff, David Lennox How, William L. Johnson, F. W. Juergens, Peter Jackson, D.A. Kelly, David Kinghorn, John Kodylek, John Kauth, Anton Koerner, Joseph Kehrer, John Henry Joseph Klinkhammer, Henry C. Koerner, Thomas Knott, John Laurens, Henry Luders, Dr. Lening, John Latzhe, August Logefeil, Charles Lord, Samuel Lord, Frank J. Lord, Isaac Lincoln, F. C. Mather, Frank McGrade, Michael K. Marrinan, A. McDermid, Frank McKnight, S.B. Morse, Dr. R. G. Moloney, A. B. McMindes, William Moore, Nathan McMullan, Robert Myers, Frank Matchett, John Mahoney, Joseph Maertz, John Montour, Robert H. McClelland, David Nixon, Thomas Nealy, Thomas R. Newell, Frank Nicolin, L.G. Ochsenreiter, Alois Plut, Eli J. Palmer, John Pendy, Anthon Philipp, John Proshek, Mathias Remes, Jacob Ries Sr., Anton Rocheck, John J. Ring, George Reis, Anthony Ries, John W. Soules, George W. Sutton, August Scherkenbach, Jarvis Washburn Sencerbox, Edward Smith, Edward Stevenson, B.E. Spencer, Capt. Charles A. Stevens, William Smail, Ezra W. Snyder, Frank Statz, George F. Strait, Horace Benton Strait, George W. Sutton, John Shwalier, Samuel Burton Strait, Harman H. Strunk, John Schilz, C. Schmitt, Henry H. Sistermans, George E. Sly, Anthony Smithe, Thomas Steiren, John Sandberg, B. St. Peter, Dr. William Thoms, Constantin Till, T.S. Turner, Jacob Thorne, Emmet and Thomas Terry, the Rev. Francis Tichy, T. F. Vanasek, Phillip Vogt, Robert B. Vessey, Henry Varner, John Wagner, R. Walters, David S. Working, Wm. F. Witt, John Wampach, G.C. W. West, Theodore Weiland, Egbert L. Wright, Jacob Walerius, Judge F. J. Whitleock, Frank L. Wood, and Judge A. G. Wells.
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