Many names, most with a Norwegian accent...

Swift County, Minnesota

New 20 Page Booklet

Early days in Swift County, MN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet reprinted from the rare 1882 book: History of the Minnesota Valley, by the Rev. Edward D. Neill. The booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The booklet contains information on the following villages and/or townships of: Benson, Appleton, Pillsbury, Kerkhoven, Hayes, Camp Lake, Kildare, Dublin, Cashel, Torning, Clontarf, Six Mile Grove, Swenoda, West Bank, Marysland, Tara, Fairfield, Moyer, New Posen, Shible and Hegbert.

Among the many subjects discussed are: Physical Features of the area; Early county officials; Early Norwegian settlers, like Ole Thorson, Hans Golden, and Lars Christianson, who carried mail on snowshoes; settlements; and other early settlers; County "firsts," such as the first store, saloon, hotel, church, school, newspaper, etc.; Railroad; Early public officials; County Courthouse; Early Businesses; hot and cold on prohibition; the "boom" of 1876; Organizations, such as the Masons; Disastrous Fire of 1880, and other bits of history and trivia. There are mini biographies of prominent residents in the various communities (such as Frank Thornton of Benson, who served as captain of a colored regiment in the Civil War and J.T. Wilkinson of Appleton, who survived Libby Prison), as well as many other names throughout the booklet.

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