With Names of Many Early Residents!

Maries County, Missouri

New 77 Page Booklet

Early days in Maries County, MO, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this booklet, reprinted from the rare 1889 book: History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries and Osage Counties, Missouri and Missouri, a Guide to the "Show Me" State, a 1930s WPA project. The 147 page spiral bound booklet, which measures 8 1/2 x 5 1/2", is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet protects the front cover.

The 1889 history covers the early development of this area, while the brief excerpt from the WPA book, gives a nostalgic glympse of the area from a 1939 vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities.

Towns and villages and "post-offices" mentioned include: Vienna, Vichy, Bloomington, Tavern, Safe, and Belle.

Topics covered in the history of this rural county in central Missouri include: Physical Description, including Bountries, Geology, Topography, Streams, Minerals, Agricultural products, and Statistics; Mound Builders, the Osage Indians, Early Settlers; Land Entries; Early Customs and Incidents; Early Stores; Justice Court, Elections, etc.; Organization, including changes in the boundaries, locating of the county seat, early court proceedings, Township Organization with names of officials, and Public Buildings; Officers of the county; Roads, railroad, and ferries; County Societies; Judicial Affairs, including grand jury names, various court cases from "disturbance at public worship" to horse-stealing, child abuse and murder; and names of attorneys; the Civil War and Military units, with some names; Towns and Villages, including origin and growth, businesses, newspapers, government, fraternities, etc.; Educational Institutions, including the Miller County Institute at Spring Garden, the Iberia Normal School, the Eldon Academy and the Miller County Academy at Aurora Spring, and Churches; plus many other bits of history and trivia along the way.

Besides the many names mentioned in the history section of the booklet, there are a number of fairly detailed individual biographies of prominent residents. Surnames include:  Ammerman, Barr, Bowles, Branson, Carnes, Copeland, Crismon, Crum, Duncan, Eads, Felker, Fenn, Gremp, Hayes, Hodge, Hughes, Johnson, Jones, Kuennen, Lindner, Love, Marts, Murry, Otto, Rainey, Ramsey, Rowan, Rowden, Schenker, Smith, Travis, Underwood, and Williams.

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