Texas County, Missouri

New 137 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in Texas County, MO, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales, factual data, and individual biographies in this booklet, an excerpt reprinted from the rare 1889 book: History of Laclede, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Wright, Texas, Pulaski, Phelps and Dent Counties, Missouri. The spiral bound booklet is 8 1/2 x 11" and is printed on 60# paper, with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet protects the front cover. (Booklets on each of the other eight counties are now or will soon be available on eBay and/or through our website.)

Communities currently listed for this area by the National Association of Counties include: Bendavis, Boone Township, Bucyrus, Burdine Township, Cabool, Carroll Township, Cass Township, Clinton Township, Current Township, Date Township, Elk Creek, Eunice, Hartshorn, Houston (County Seat), Huggins, Jackson Township, Licking, Lynch Township, Morris Township, Mountain Grove (part), Ozark Township, Pierce Township, Piney Township, Plato, Raymondville, Roby, Roubidoux Township, Sargent Township, Sherrill Township, Solo, Success, Summersville (part), Upton Township, and Yukon. (All are not mentioned in the booklet.)

Topics covered in the history of this rural county in central Missouri include: Physical Features, Minerals, Streams and Springs, Game, Tornadoes; Pioneers -- with land purchasers listed by township number, range and section (example: Township 32, Range 11, was entered in 1855, by Moses S. Hunnicut on Section 5); Record of early marriages, primarily in 1855; County Organization, early officers, actions, etc.; Township Organization; Circuit Court Transactions, including an indictment for "disclosing a secret"; Divorces; Members of the Bar; Political Record (many names); Civil War, activities at home and troops recruited locally; a Roster of Federal and Confederate troops and all resident property owners paying taxes in 1861-64 (7 pages of names); Reminiscences of veterans; Newspapers; Churches; Schools; Physicians; Societies; Cities and Towns -- Houston, Licking, Plato, Summerville, etc.; Businesses; and other bits of history and trivia.

In addition to the many names mentioned in the first section of the booklet, there are a number of fairly detailed individual biographies. While these are of primary interest to their decendents, they contain many items of general historical interest, particularly accounts of Civil War activities. The biographies include: Judge John N. Angel, J.M. Angell, John Banch, Dr. John E. Barns, Perry Barricklow, William O. Bartholomew, James P. Bates, James W. Beard, Jesse Franklin Beeler, Henry H. Bell, John R. Blankenship, James Bradford, Thomas N. Bradford, Rev. Martin Collins Brown, George W. Brown, Elder John W. Brown, William J. Brown, Alfred H. Brown, John Cameron, John S. Cameron, William F. Cavaness, L.A. Cochrane, David T. Collier, William Burrell Connelly, Dr. Benjamin Franklin Craven, James A. Craven, Dr. Alfred Randolph Craven, William W. Cronin, David T.M. Crow, Zachariah T. Denison, James H. Denison, James R. Duke, Daniel G. Elliott, John R. Farris, Albert T. Fengler, Richard T. Foard, James C. Fox, John Geers, Thomas N. Gibson, Joel S. Halbert, Henry Harmon, Henry J. Herrick, Virgil M. Hines, Robert F. Hoeck, Spencer M. Hubbard, Alexander Jadwin, William C. Jadwin, Frank L. Johnson, James W. Jones, Michael C. Jones, Enoch Keen, Col. John S. Kirwan (with details of his military career), Christopher Kofahl, John W. Kyle, Charles Harvey Latimer, Guilford A. Leavitt, Tyre M. Lingo, Col. William Lavender Lyles, Dr. Stephen D. Lyles, Rev. Dabney B. Lynch, John T. Lynch, Robert C. McBride, James McCaskill, David McKinney, Peter T. Mason, alfred Merrell, Dan Merrell, J.W. Mires, Judge Philander Davis Mitchell, Dr. Sherrill Lewis Mitchell, Thomas Lorenzo Moore, John H. Moran, E.P. Murrill, Rev. Wesley Nall, William Scott Nichol, Thomas F. Nicholas, John O'Hearn, George Paulding, Charles E. Peter, George Franklin Pettigrew, Gabriel M. Pike, Jabez D. Randall, William Ray, David Asher Robertson, William J. Rodgers Sr., Peter Root, Dr. Columbus M. Ross, William Roy, Frank P. Rutherford, John Schissler, George Shafer, Joel Sherrill, James B. Sherrill, Wiley B. Simmons, James Riley Simmons, Andrew J. Suelson, Henry A. Steffens, William M. Stoy, Thomas G. Sturgeon, Dr. Calvin Buchanan Taylor, Judge William Franklin Trail, Chapman Walker Wade, Charles C. Ware, David H. Watson, Edward H. Wheeler, Charles W. White, James H. Wilson, Eli W. Wilson, Major George D. Woodward, and John D. Young.

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