Gates & Herford
Counties, NC
51 Page Illustrated
Early days in Gates
and Herford Counties in North Carolina, are recalled through a mixture
of colorful tales and factual data in this new
51-page spiral-bound booklet, comprised of excerpts from several
vintage books. These source materials include John Hill Wheeler's
Historical Sketches of North Carolina (1851); Sketches
of Prominent Living North Carolinians by Jerome Dowd (1888),
North Carolina, A Guide to the Old North State (1939), a
product of the WPA; A New Geography of North Carolina
tri-color front cover is printed on 80# card stock and has been
protected with a vinyl sheet. The text is printed single-sided on
60# opaque paper, with the print enlarged to fit the 8.5" x
11" paper and improve readability.
Towns mentioned
in the booklet include: Gates
-- Gatesville (county seat), Corapeake, Eure, Gates, Hobbsville,
Roduco, and Sunbury. Herford
County -- Winton (county
seat), Ahoskie, Cofield, Como, Harrellsville, St. John, Tunis, Mapleton,
and Murfreesboro.
Among the many subjects
included are: Geological
and Physical features, such as part of the Great Dismal Swamp Bennett's
Creek, and the Chowan, Meherrin and Wiccacon rivers, ; Members of
the General Assembly from each County before 1851; Early notables
-- General Horatio Gates, Hardy and William Murfree, Gen. Thomas
Wynns, Kenneth Rayner, John Wheeler, the Riddick family, General
Kedar Ballard, C.S. Brown, and others; Slave Insurrection in Herford
County in 1831 led by Nat Turner (with a list of those murdered);
Visits by William Byrd, Bishop Asbury, and George Washington; Richard
Gatling, his early machine gun and his agricultural inventions;
Roy Parker School of Printing; Transportation, Religion and Education,
including Chowan College and Murfreesboro Academy; the Chowanoke
and other Indians; Race relations in Herford County; Lost festival
called Fisherman's Court, a 'bear' supporter of Grover Cleveland,
stories about place names, an unused jail, the old "Nanticoke"
steamboat, and other curious bits of history and trivia.
The Dowd excerpts
are biographies of W. N. H. Smith, William Paul Roberts, and D.A.
Barnes. The WPA section offers a nostalgic glimpse of the area from
a 1939 vantage point, offering historical notes and scenic wonders,
such as the Great Dismal Swamp.
Our North Carolina
booklets are a good resource for learning about the history, geography
and social climate of places where you or your ancestors have lived
or places you plan to visit.
Wouldn't this
make a unique gift?