Compiled from three vintage sources...

History of

Lenoir County, NC

New! 22 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in Lenoir County, North Carolina, are recalled in this new 22-page spiral-bound booklet, comprised of excerpts from several vintage books. These source materials include John Hill Wheeler's Historical Sketches of North Carolina (1851); North Carolina, A Guide to the Old North State (1939), a product of the WPA; A New Geography of North Carolina (1954-65).

The tri-color front cover is printed on 80# card stock and has been protected with a vinyl sheet. The text is printed single-sided on 60# opaque paper, with the print enlarged to fit the 8.5" x 11" paper and improve readability.

Places mentioned in the booklet include: Kinston (county seat), La Grange and Pink Hill.

Among the many subjects included are: Persons associated with the early days of the county -- Hardy B. Croom and William Mosely; Members of the General Assembly before 1851; Physical features; "upponwoc" better known as tobacco; a major meat market; pure air and excellent water; a county born out of tumult; the DuPont Plant; Roads; Industry; Education -- School for aviation cadets, Caswell Training School, etc.; Reconstruction period after Civil War; Captain Jesse Grainger and Luther P. Tapp; Auction warehouses; J.Y Joyner; Religion; Richard Caswell, Lenoir's most famous citizen; the "Exodusters", the Confederate ram "Neuse", two battles for Kinston, why Kinston has no "g", and many other fascinating bits of history and trivia.

The WPA excerpt offers a nostalgic glimpse of the area from a 1939 vantage point, offering historical notes and sightseeing possibilities.

Our North Carolina booklets are a good resource for learning about the history, geography and social climate of places where you or your ancestors have lived or for places you plan to visit.

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History of
Lenoir County,
North Carolina
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