Pasquotank & Perquimans
Counties, NC
55 Page Illustrated
Early days in Pasquotank
and Perquimans Counties in North Carolina, are recalled through
a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this new
55-page spiral-bound booklet, comprised of excerpts from several
vintage books. These source materials include John Hill Wheeler's
Historical Sketches of North Carolina (1851); Sketches
of Prominent Living North Carolinians by Jerome Dowd (1888),
North Carolina, A Guide to the Old North State (1939), a
product of the WPA; A New Geography of North Carolina
tri-color front cover is printed on 80# card stock and has been
protected with a vinyl sheet. The text is printed single-sided on
60# opaque paper, with the print enlarged to fit the 8.5" x
11" paper and improve readability.
Towns mentioned
in the booklet include: Pasquotank
-- Elizabeth City (county seat), Nixonton; Perquimans
County -- Hertford (county
seat), Belvidere, Durant's Neck, Harvey's Neck, and Winfall.
Among the many subjects
included are: Geological
and Physical features, such as the Pasquotank, Perquimans, Yeopim
and Little Rivers and the Dismal Swamp; Early notables -- John L.
Bailey, William Biddle Shepard, John Harvey, Gov. J.C.B. Ehringhaus,
Jerome Flora, W.O. Saunders, Herbert Peele, George Durant, Gov.
John Jenkins, Thomas Eastchurch, Seth Sothel, Thomas Jarvis, Thomas
Harvey, Gen. William Skinner, George Whitfield, Jacob Boyce, William
Henry Bagley, CSA, Mrs. Sarah DeCrow (first woman postmaster in
America), and Capt. Nat Fulford; Members of the General Assembly
from Pasquotank and Perquimans County before 1851; Lumbering, fisheries,
and other industries; Military Installations; Agriculture and Contract
Farming; Schools, including Elizabeth City State Teachers College;
the Elizabeth City High School Band; Capt. Joel Van Sant and the
Mothboat; a poem about bull-frogs called "Minstrels of the
Pasquotank" by Charles Greaves; Algonquin Indians; an address
by Ehringhaus on the Albemarle
area; the Culpepper Rebellion; J.C. Blanchard's Department Store;
Transportation and Bridges; Churches, such as the Quakers of Belvidere;
Vintage homes, including Land's End, Sycamore Grove, Newbold-Whie,
Cove Grove, Tucker Farm, and Belvidere Plantation; a monster in
missionary's clothing, the right to dance, deserts in the swamp,
and other curious, sometimes amusing, bits of history and trivia.
The Dowd excerpt
is limited to a biography of T.G. Skinner of Hertford. The WPA section
offers a nostalgic glimpse of the area from a 1939 vantage point,
offering many historical notes and sightseeing possibilities. It
has a separate section on Elizabeth City with a map and 11 points
of interest, such as the Miles Clark House.
North Carolina booklets are a good resource for learning about the
history, geography and social climate of places where you or your
ancestors have lived or for places you plan to visit.
Wouldn't this
make a unique gift?