Hamilton & Clay Counties,


New 58 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in Hamilton County and Clay County in Nebraska are recalled through colorful tales, factual data and individual biographies in this NEW 58-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover.

Among the topics included are:

HAMILTON COUNTY: Topography, Early History with names of some early settlers; First birth, marriage, trial, murder, etc; a king-sized cake; Organization of the county; County officers; County Seat Dispute; Agricutural Society; Education; the town of Aurora -- history, officials, schools, societies, churches; Orville City history.

CLAY COUNTY: Early Settlement; Names of early settlers; Indian problems; Celebrations; Organization of the county; County officers; County Seat controversy involving numerous elections, frauds, seizure of records, etc.,; County buildings; Railroads; Agricultural Society, Sunday School, Medical Society, Old Settlers' Association, etc.; Storms and other Calamities; Statistics of Progress; Harvard -- history, officials, churches, schools, newspaper, fires, lodges and societies, hotels, banks, manufacturers; Sutton -- Population, businesses, settlers, buildings, railroad war, a poem about the 4-mile railroad trip between Grafton and Sutton, town officials, education, religion, newspapers, post office, societies, hotels, professionals, manufactories, etc; Edgar -- history, officials, churches, schools, newspapers, societies, businesses, etc., Fairfield -- history, officers, churches, schools, newspapers, post office, lodges and Societies, Great Army of the Republic, Temperance Alliance, Fire Department, Hotels, Banks, etc.; Clay Center -- history; Glenville -- history; Inland

The booklet contains biographies of many residents of the county in 1882. While primarily of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times. Biographical sketches include: HAMILTON COUNTY: Aurora -- Alfred W. Agee, William Halbert Alden, George W. Bailey, General Delevan Bates, James H. Bell, Solomon B. Chapman, Nelson Fairchild, James H. Faris, William Glover, Perley M. Green, Eugene J. Hainer, Loren W. Hastings, Samuel S. Hayden, William P. Hellings, Henry W. Kemper, Charles H. Kimball, George Luft, Thomas A. McKay, Major J.S. Miller, Dr. Thomas L. Myers, Myers Bros., Knud S. Nissen, Dr. Frederick A. Noble, Adelbert V.B. Peck, William F. Peck, Andrew G. Peterson, William H. Pinnell, William Z. Pollard, Edgar D. Preston, John Raben, Noyes C. Rogers, William H. Streeter, John W. Thierg, William H. Tuttle, John Tweedy, John R. Van Boskirk, George Wildish, John Wilson, Jacob Wolbach . CLAY COUNTY: Harvard -- John D. Bain, Truman A. Barbour, Robert G. Brown, William D. Cook, Thomas J. Dowd, A.T. Gilchrist, John D. Hayes, Henry J. Keller, David T. Phillips, Lucien A. Payne, James Richard, John F. Sawtell, C.J. Scott, Samuel C. Sloat, Louis Stein, Liscome J. Titus, Edward Updike, George H. Washburn, M.W. Wilcox, Rev. Edward Wilkinson, Thomas R. Wyckoff; Sutton -- John E. Bagley, George W. Bemin (pix of home), Samuel Carney, Isaac N. Clark (pix, pix of home), Dr. Martin V.R. Clark (pix), Douglas C. Conner, J.B. Dinsmore, Hosea W. Gray, William Griess, Joseph Grice, Henry Grosshaus, Richard A. Hawley, William J. Keller, Joseph S. LeHew, Linton Brothers, Merrill & Co., R.G. Merrill, William C. Picking, John B. Roys, Jacob Steinmetz, John W. Shirley, Richard S. Silver, Markus Wittenberg, William D. Young; Edgar -- David F. Anderson, O.A. Avery, Rev. Albert B. Byram, O.B. Canfield, M.S. Dougherty, William R. Fuller, Corydon F. Glazier, John G. Glazier, Charles G. Hayes, Milton J. Hull, Joseph R. Kidd, Simeon B. Montgomery, John P. Nelson, N.B. Olseene, John G. Prosser, S. Addison Searle, John V. Stayner, George W. Updike, John J. Walley, Charles H. Warren, S.J. Whitten, Rev. William H. Wilson, Harry K. Wolfe; Fairfield -- Richard Bayly, Leander Brewer, James H. Conrad, John H. Epley, John C. Hedge, Dennison Howe, John E. Hopper, William L. Howe, C.T. Mills Sr., Worthy T. Newcomb, George W. Noble, William S. Randall, Benjamin F. Rawalt, Charles F. Shedd, Albert S. Willis; Clay Center -- George E. Birge, Edward P. Burnett, George F. Dickson, Louis F. Fryar, Charles J. Martin, Jonas P. Nixon, O.H. Parsons, George H. Van Duyne, Justus E. Wheeler; Glenville -- I.D. Newell, Mark A. Perkins; Sheridan Precinct -- Thompson R. Elder.

The final part of the booklet is excerpted from Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State and involves brief stops at Sutton, Clay Center and Aurora.

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