Colfax County, NE
New 16
Page Illustrated
Early days in Colfax
County, Nebraska, are recalled through colorful tales, factual
data and individual biographies in this 16-page spiral bound booklet
excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska,
originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and
Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project
of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The
booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to
protect the full-color front cover.
Among the many subjects
included are: Physical character
of the county; Early History; recollections by David Anderson, an
early settler; the first murder, early justice; Other Pioneer Events;
Organization of the county; the County Agricultural Association;
the town of Schuyler -- the press, fire dept., schools, churches,
societies, and businesses; Benton; and other items of interest.
The booklet contains
biographies of many residents of Colfax County in 1882. While primarily
of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area
and the times. Biographical sketches include:
B.S. Bliss, Neil Bollong, Henry Bolton, C.
Brandt, William Brown, John W. Brown, Thomas Bryant, Charles Cannon,
A.E. Cady, , John T. Clarkson, John
Craig, John Cushman, Frances Dunn, D.B. Duffy, Joseph Duras, W.
Dworak, Charles P. Fogg,
F. Folda, Christian Funk, N.E. Gasmann, Hugh Gillies, Jeremiah Hatcher,
H. Holcomb, James Hughes, David Jenkins Sr., Martin Jetter, James
Johns, Stephen H. Jones, J.C. Kahl, J.L. Kinney, Henry Koon, Carl
Kreymborg, Jno. Lapache, James C. MacKenzie, Vaclav Maly, James
McIntosh, John Miller, Patrick Murphy, John Novotny, Judson L. Packard,
Robert Pettitt, Charles J. Phelps, John Prokes, A.T. Rowe, John
J. Riley, H.C. Russell, John B. Sides, J.P. Smith, Joseph Smith,
L.C. Smith, Olney J. Smith, George Stevens, William Stevens, Charles
E. Sumner, Edward True, D.H. Van Antwerp, John N. Vincent, William
Walker, A.M. Walling, L.K. Watters, G. H. Wells, William West, Theron
W. Whitman, Dr. James A. Woods, Joseph F. Woods, Miles Zentmyer
and Joseph Zerzan.
The final part of
the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to
the Cornhusker State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's
Project of the WPA in 1939. This includes an overview of the Mormon
and Oregon Trails and a brief stop at Schuyler.
Wouldn't this
make a unique gift?