Lancaster County, NE
New 86
Page Illustrated
Early days in Lancaster
County, Nebraska, are recalled through colorful tales, factual
data and individual biographies in this 86-page spiral bound booklet
excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska,
originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and
Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project
of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The
booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to
protect the full-color front cover.
of the places mentioned in the booklet include:
(county seat), Bennet, Waverly, Firth, and Roca.
Among the many subjects
included are: Physical character
of the county, such as the Salt Basins; Early Settlers and where
they settled, such as Capt. W.T. Donavan; Indian Troubles; County
Organization; County officials, Railroads, Schools, Societies, Lincoln,
the capital of Nebraska, it's early history, city officials, city
institutions, the University of Nebraska with names of early members
of the Faculty and university officials, the Insane Hospital, the
Nebraska State Penitentiary, including an account of a mutiny at
the prison in 1875, Newspapers, Churches, Business Interests and
Manufacturing establishments, Smaller communities, and other items
of interest.
The booklet contains
many biographies of varying lengths. While primarily of interest
to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times.
Biographical sketches are given for: Lincoln
-- Newton Abbott, E.S. Abbott, O.T. Aldrich, David Alexander,
William Alexander, Samuel Alexander, T.D. Allen, J.H. Alford, Andrew
Anderson, J.C. Anderson, F.P. Andrews, Albert Andrus, James Atwell,
Samuel Aughey (pix), R.O. Backus, Col. C.N. Baird, W.E. Barkley,
George Bartlett, R.P. Beecher, W.O. Bell, Thomas Benton, H. A. Bidwell,
E. Bignell, L.W. Billingsley, J.R. Bing, M. Birney, George Blake,
Squire Blasier, H.H. Blodgett, A.F. Blundell, Charles T. Boggs,
John Bonnell, Charles Bonnell, Bohanan family, J.I. Booge, Dr. Arthur
Bowen, George Bower, Herbert Bowers, Charles Boyd, W.H. Boyer, J.Z.
Briscoe, Nelson C. Brock, Guy Brown, Anson Brown, A.H. Brown, Joseph
Brown, Henry Brown, E.E. Brown, J.M. Brown, D.C. Brown, L.E. Brown,
Henry Brugmann, J.A. Buckstaff, J.H. Bulloch (of Keyes and Bullock),
Dr. Lucius J. Bumstead, A.D. Burr, Carlos Burr, Lionel Burr, Silas
Burnham, S.W. Burnham, O.F. Butt, W.H. Campbell, C.L. Carpenter,
Thomas Carr, James Carter, Charles Carter, Henry Carter, William
Chapin, E.P. Child, Ed Church, James Chute, J.C. Clark, John Clark,
C. S. Clason, Amasa Cobb, Benjamin Cobb, P.H. Cooper, W.J. Cooper,
D. G. Courtney, J.C. Crooker, R.C. Cushing (pix), L.E. Cropsey,
John Cadman (pix), Harvey Culbertson, J.L. Cummings, Michael Dailey,
T.B. Dawson, W.H. Daniels, M.R. Davey, Dr. W.L. Dayton, W.S. Deisher,
John Dethlefs, J.W. DeWeese, Caleb J. Dilworth, O.P. Dinges, John
Doolittle (pix), S.J. Dobson, Dobson, T.B. Doran, William Dorsey,
M.L. Easterday, Webster Eaton, J.C. Eldredge, Harrington Emerson,
Granville Ensign, C.J. Ernst, Edmund Burke Fairfield, John Fitzgerald
(pix), I. A. Fedewa, Dr. F.G. Fuller (pix), George E. Fisher, S.F.
Fleharty, W.O. Fletcher, H.P. Foster, C.B. Fox, J.H. Foxworthy,
Jacob Frankforter, W. Fuller, Lester H. Fuller, Carl Funke, Fred
Funke, Joseph F. Goekle, J.W. George, Henry Gerner, D.A. Gilbert,
Lee P. Gillette, S.B. Galey, William M. Gillespie, G.B. Goodrich,
W.H. Goodrich, Harvey Gordon, E.S. Gore, F.A. Graham, Robert Graham,
D.E. Green, William Green, Anthony Gregg, John Gregory, T.S. Grigor,
Henry Grimm, William D. Gulick, William Hackney, John Haley, E.
Hallett, T.F. Hardenbergh, A.E. Hargreaves, William Henry Hargreaves,
Walter Buntin Hargreaves, M.B. Harris, W.A. Harris, J.H. Harley,
W.J. Harris, Dr. Charles Hart, N.S.
Harwood, A.G. Hastings, Hiram D. Hathaway, Robert Hazlett, Dr. J.T.
Hay, H.W. Hebbard, Jesse. W. Hedges, H. Herpolsheimer, W.B. Hickok,
Martin Hiltner, C.E. Hine, Henry V. Hoagland, Joseph S. Hoagland,
F.R. Hoge, S.E. Hoge, L.K. Holmes, W.W. Holmes, August Hoppe, George
Howard, Dr. W.G. Houtz (pix), D.B. Howard, J.S. Howard, T.F. Hudson,
David Huff, William Hughes, D.G. Hull, Albert Hyatt, J.J. Imhoff,
John Jacobs, G.W. Johnson (of Tomson and Johnson), W.A. Johnston,
J.N.T. Jones, W,W.W. Jones, John Sigvaldsen Jorstead, B.C. Keeler,
William R. Kelly, Albert Kendall, Thomas Kennard, Rev. M.A. Kennedy,
John Knight, Dr. T.C. Kern, Wilmer Kirk, C.B. Koon, Dr. William
Latta (pix), E. Lawson, G.M. Lambertson, Dr. Milton Lane, W.C. Lane,
J.F. Lansing, John Lantz, H.P. Lau, Luke Lavender, Charles Leighton,
H.C. Lett, S.W. Little, Henry Lewis, S.B. Linderman, John Lindolff,
S.C. Lowdan, F.W. Lowrey, Henry Loughry, Dr. J.M. Lucas, Irving
Lyman, J.C. McBride, John McClay, J. McConniff, Samuel McCord, Frank
McCrary, L.W. McFadden, R.T. McGrew, J.G. McIntire, George McMillan,
James H. MuMurtry, E. M. McWilliams, J.D. MacFarland, W.H. Malick,
Edwin Manchester, J.A. Marshall, Major Joseph K. Marlay, Turner
Marquette (pix), C.W. & W.W. Marsh, Lewis A. Marvin, O.P. Mason,
Albert Masterman, Dr. H.P. Mathewson (pix), A.A. Mead, August Meyer,
L. Meyer, Dr. A.R. Mitchell, John Mitchell, Gen. M. Montgomery,
Thomas Moon, John Moran, William Morris, M.M. Mulford, Ira Nadeau,
C. Nahrung, Gov. Albinus Nance (pix), J.E. Newman , Thomas Ogles,
C.P. Olson, P.W. O'Conner, R.C. Outcalt, C.J. Nobes (pix), Phelps
Paine, Dr. B.L. Paine, Mrs. Hettie Painter and the Lincoln Infirmary
(pix of building), A. L. Palmer, T.J. Pardoe, C.B. Parker, C.M.
Parker, Albert Parsons, Burnham Parsons, J.A. Patterson, P. Peck,
L.F. Pennington, J.R. Perkins, R.A. Perry, R.O. Phillips, J.E. Philpott,
Maj. Charles Pierce, Eli Plummer, Fabren Potvin, S.P. Pound, James
Post, H.A. Poston, H.R. Prather, Israel Putnam, W.B. Putnam, T.P.
Quick, Dr. Charles Radmore, R.R. Randall, W.E. Randle, W.C. Randle,
Isaac Raymond, Aaron Raymond, J.F. Rawlings, E.C. Rewick, P. Coursey
Richards, Arnott Ricketts, Austin Riley, Dr, L.H. Robbins, J. Roberts,
E.T. Roberts, Artemus Roberts, Jacob Rocke, Charles Roehrig, Edward
Roggen, Solomon Rymal, John Salsbery, E.H. Salsbury, A.A. Sargent,
A.J. Sawyer, George Scherrer (of Hass and Scherrer), A.G.
Scott, Nahum Scott, Seaton & Lea Iron Works, Milan Sessions,
Wales Frank Severance, Thomas Sewell, J. Schamp, George Siefert,
Dr. Jacob Simonson, George Skinner, S. Smedley,
Chase Smith (of Kendall and Smith),Val.
Smith, G.A.C. Smith, William Smith, S.Snell, W.H. Snelling, James
Spencer, G.C. Spencer, Royal Stearns, John Stabler, C.D, Stout,
W.H.B. Stout, James Strahan, C.E. Strassburger, J.W. Strickland,
J. Swan, James Sweeney, L.F. Taylor, O.E. Thayer, Dr. C.R. Tefft,
D.E. Thompson, G.E. Thompson, S.R. Thompson, M.D. Townly, H.B. Tomson,
A.M. Trimble, George Tucker, Theodore Tychsen, James Tyler, Edgar
Vanderpool, Henry Veith, C.H. Waite, John Wallichs, H.J. Walsh (pix),
Wallingford, Schamp and Co., James Walton, Henry B. Ware, Ware and
Brooks, real estate, T.H. Waters, Albert Watkins, Dr. H.H. Way,
George Weber, O.W. Webster, L.W. Wheaton, S.C. Wheeler, E.M. Wheeler,
Walter White, M.M. White, E.A. White, C.A. Wickersham, John Williams,
Charles H. Willard, Henry Wilson, Winger and Miller, Woltemade and
Wolf, J.V. Wolfe, Lyman Wood, George Woodbury, Charles Woosley,
Dr. A. Wright, J.G. Wright, John B. Wright, Richard Wright, and
Charles Wunderlich; Bennett -- James
Allstot, S.P. Barrett, P.J. Bratt family, E.N. Cobb, Frank Coggeshall,
W.H. Davis, Dr. M.B. Deck, Capt. L.P. Derby, G.W. Eggleston, W.H.
Frost, David Grau, A. Gribling, Thorer Hanson, James Harper, D.H.
Harris, W.A. Hartley, C.W. Heffley, Christian Jeansen, J. Calvin
Johnston, R. Larkin, Frederick Larson, F.C. May, H. May, Dr. Stephen
Mecham, James E. Minor, Gideon Minor, James N. Minor, Charles Louis
Otto, Henry Peterson, Dr. E.T. Piper, H.D. Rhea, William Roggenkamp,
Walter Seely, Frank Sidles, Jesse Smith, James Southwick, Joseph
Southwick, John Stall, William Stocking, Samuel Tilton, J.A. Whitlock
and G.R. Wilson; Waverly -- Charles
Cook, L.J. Loder, James Schofield, Alva Smith, P.H. Sudduth, William
Wilson, and C.H. Worden; Firth -- Charles
Flickinger, Rufus Howard, Robert Hoy, R.E. Losee, Dr. John Lesley
Stouffer, and Carl Wittstruck; Roca --
J.R. Atkinson, Thomas Dickson, William Flickinger, John Forrest,
William Goram, O.S. Hazelton, Ira Hedges, Aaron Hedges, Edward Jackson,
George King, John Robertson and D.A. Stocking; Other
Locations -- E.N. Hovey, George Allstot, and Elder John Eiehl.
The final part of
the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to
the Cornhusker State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's
Project of the WPA in 1939. This includes a description of Lincoln,
with a small map and 29 points of interest.
Wouldn't this
make a unique gift?