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Saunders County, NE

New 36 Page Illustrated Booklet

Early days in Saunders County, Nebraska, are recalled through colorful tales, factual data and individual biographies in this 36-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover.

Among the many subjects included are: Topography and Geology; First settlers and Early History; Reminiscences of the past by Moses Stocking; Creeks of Saunders County; Political History; County Organization and names of officials; County Progress up to 1882; Education; the town of Wahoo (county seat) -- its history, officials, churches, schools, businesses and societies; Ashland -- government, business interests, schools, societies, churches; Valparaiso -- history, Sherman Post, GAR; Clear Creek and other areas.

The booklet contains biographies of many residents of Colfax County in 1882. While primarily of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times. Biographical sketches include: WAHOO -- John B. Allen, Henry Anderson (pix), N.H. Barnes, Erand H. Baxter, Charles P. Beebe, John Beermaker, Nelson H. Bell, Olof Berggren, Ole R. Brodboll, Andrew F. Carlson, Samuel G. Chaney, Clay C. Clifton, Joel D. Cook, Curtis M. Copp, David P. Cummings, Rev. William Davis, H.H. Dorsey (pix), William H. Dickinson (pix), John Ekeley, Emil Fisher, John Gaskin, J.R. Gilkeson, Darwin C. Hall, Anton Jausa, Charles S. Johnson, Henry Johnson, Joseph & Grafe, Randall H. Knapp, Joseph Ledvina, James M. Lee, John R. Lee, Christopher E. Littibridge, John O. Lindh, Joseph Manners, Daniel McClennan, Isaac R. Mengel, Dr. R.B. Morton, John Newlean, Otto Ostenberg, Jacob Ort, Charles Perky, Douglas R. Phelps, Isaac E. Phelps, Jacob C. Polsley, Thomas Rance, Thomas W. Riddle, James A. Smith, Dr. Melville W. Stone, Steen Brothers hardware, James B. Sturdevant, George H. Stocking, F.M. Stratton, Augustus W. Vandeman; ASHLAND -- Samuel S. Abbott, joseph Arnold, John P. Aughe, William G. Bentley, Samuel G. Bryan, William J. Butt, Lyman R. Brush, Albert B. Chamberlain, Benjamin S. Clark, Capt. John K. Clarke, Daniel D. Cooley, Henry W. Curtis, James Danley, David Dean, Josiah J. Deck, Col. Rodney Dexter, Abel B. Fuller, Henry M. Flanders, Dr. Richard Gray, Charles B. Hackney, Samuel B. Hall, James R. Hayword, Edward W. Hutchison, Alex E. Jenks, Jacob Johnson, Jacob A. Jury, John Kriegelstein, Dr. Alex S. Mansfielde (pix), Frank W. McIntyre, George N. Mulertz, Silas H. Nichols, Hiram J. Paddock, William C. Patton, Dr. Elwin M. Park, James I. PAul, Orion A. Pierce, Russel D. Pine, Lorean M. Putney, Jacob Saunders, William P. Snell, Joseph Stambaugh, Alexander Taylor, James Thomas, James Tyler, Reuben L. Warbritton, Theodore B. Wilson, Lewis D. Wolven; VALPARAISO -- Henry Bates, Elijah Beach, William Bays, Daniel M. Deane, Joshua P. Gibbons, Marsilliat B. Giffin, Iver Jensen, Rodney K. Johnson (pix), Andrew Johnson, Charles J. McFarland, LaFayette McDerby, Edwin B. Phelps, George W. Saunders, Henry E. Throop, Charles C. White, George Worley, and Thomas D. Worrall; OTHERS -- John Bartek, Rev. Edmund Bird, Peter Campbell, Joseph M. Chapman, Joseph Collins, Cyrus Condit, John Fleming, John France, Robert A. Heaton, John M. Hedge, Peter Kasti, James Keay, William A. Knapp, Peter R. McCoy, William H. Mead, August Mielenz, Samuel Naylor, Charles Ostenberg, Moses Pardis, John Peters, Charles W. Phelps, Isaac N. Phelps, John F. Roll, Milton M. Runyon, Henry C. Stevens, Richard H. Thomas

The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939. Tours make brief stops at Cedar Bluffs, Yutan Leshara, Luther College, Ashland and Wahoo.

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