Washington County, NE

New 20 Page Illustrated Booklet


Early days in Washington County, Nebraska, are recalled through colorful tales, factual data and individual biographies in this 20-page spiral bound booklet excerpted from the rare 1882 book: History of the State of Nebraska, originally published by the Western Historical Co. of Chicago, and Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, a 1939 project of the Federal Writers of the Works Progress Administration. The booklet is printed on 60# paper. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the full-color front cover.

Some of the places mentioned in the booklet include: Blair (county seat), Cuming City, Fontenelle, Hiland, Admah, De Soto, Arlington, Fort Calhoun, Herman, and Kennard.

Among the many subjects included are: Physical character of the county, such as the prairies and creeks; Indians and the Pawnee War; Fort Atkinson and Fort Calhoun; County Organization; Crime; Civil War days; Statistics; the Northern Nebraska Air-Line Railroad Company; John L. Blair; Early residents; City officials; Churches; Newspapers; Businesses; Societies; the various communities, and other items of interest.

The booklet contains biographies of many residents of Washington County in 1882. While primarily of interest to descendants, these often contain clues to the area and the times. Some are lengthy, a few consist of only one or two lines. Where pictures are included (pix) follows the name. Biographical sketches include: Blair -- M. Ballard, John Connell, H. Castetter, L.S. Cook, E. Cook, C.C. Crowell, G.P. DeTemple, J.H. Dick, H. Grimm, Jesse T. Davis (pix),E.B. Hamilton, Frank Harrihan, E. Heinzerling, L.F. Hilton, J.H. Hungate, K.S. Johnson, William Krull, Thomas P. Lippincott & Co., J.W. Hayle, Matthiesen Bros., Chauncey McCoy, M.M. McKenney, H.W. McBride, J. Miller, Solomon Myers, E.H. Monroe (pix of business), W.W. Noyes, S.E. Omo, L.W. Olborn, F.R. Patterson, Alonzo Perkins, E.C. Pierce, Alex. Reed, W.S. Richards, Dr. A.J. Ryan, T.B. Seeley, E.L. Sharpneck, Henry Siert, G.C. Smith, John George Smith, Judge J.W. Tucker, F.S. Tucker, Edwin K. Turner, L.H. Turner, J.E. West, W.M. Wilkins, and M.V. Wilson; Arlington -- W.J. Crane, H.D. Dodendorf, Dr. S.J. Hadley, John Hammang, A.S. Morley, John Matles, C.Morley, R.E. Roberts, Shephard & Badger, O.N. Unthank, R.A. Whitford; Cuming City -- Nathan Bailey, Jacob Carter, L.R. Fletcher, N.N. Gould, J.C. Lippincott, Giles Mead, Samuel Warrick, and A.S. Warwick Fontenelle -- John Cuppy, W.R. Hamilton, Joseph Hammany, A.D. Lewis, Herman Scheer, Henry Sprick, Weber & Lewis; Fort Calhoun -- W.B. Beales, Allen Craig, J.B. Kuony, Peter Klindt, H.J. Rohwer, M.H.B. Rosenbalm, Charles Steffen P.N. Stilts, and C.H. Wulff; Herman -- Thomas B. Bailey, Turner Bailey, Chas Cross Jr., Dr. S.L. Dart, S. Osburn, W.W. Dorrell, James Fitch, J.H. Gove, T.C. Hungate, Charles Sellect, Leslie Watson; DeSota -- Edmund Humphries and John Spencer; Precinct addresses -- L.D. Cameron, S.W. Cushman, E.S. Gaylord, Herman H. Hovendick, S.E. Hurd, Hans A. Lamp, Frank Moore, James Parker, John Thompson, Louis Thorne, and and Thomas Wilson.

The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Nebraska, a Guide to the Cornhusker State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939. This includes stops at Herman, Blair, De SotoBlair, and Arlington.

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Washington County NE
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