Brand New Illustrated Booklet The early days of Hudson County, NJ, and its various communities -- Bergen, Harrison, Jersey City, North Bergen, Van Vorst, and Weehawken -- are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this NEW 50 page Booklet reprinted from two hard to find books: the 1847 edition of John Warner Barber and Henry Howe's Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey and New Jersey, a Guide to Its Present and Past, a WPA project published in 1939. The spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60# paper, with the fine print enlarged for easier reading. A sheet of clear vinyl has been added to protect the front cover. The Howe/Barber history covers the development of this area until about 1844, while excerpts from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glympse from a 1939 vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities.
Among the many and varied topics in the booklet are: The booklet contains delightful hand-drawn sketches by Barber and Howe of Jersey City, as seen from New York City (full page); Ancient Reformed Dutch Church at Bergen; and the Site of the Hamilton-Burr Duel.
Hudson County New Jersey only $9.99 |