1803      Happy 200th Birthday OHIO!      2003



The early history of Clermont County, Ohio, and its various communities -- Batavia, Williamsburg, Loveland, Utopia, New Richmond, Point Pleasant, Felicity, Bethel -- are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this NEW 29 Page Booklet reprinted from the 1892 Centennial edition of Henry Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio and The Ohio Guide, a product of the WPA. The spiral-bound booklet is single-sided on 60# paper, with the print enlarged for easier reading.
will receive THREE Computer-Enhanced 8 1/2 x 11 Prints of engravings from the original book, suitable for framing. These include the 1887 view of the County Buildings in Batavia, shown below, the birthplace of General Grant, and a poster of Lorenzo Dow.
Among the many and diverse topics covered in the booklet are: the Underground Railway, Lydia's Bower and the search for a lost child, the adventures of Gen. William Lytle, the life of Senator Thomas Morris "fearless advocate of human liberty", a witch story, General Ulysses S. Grant, Lorenzo Dow - dynamic itinerant preacher, the exploits of Neil Washburn, authoress Abbie McKeever, and George Bloss - editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer. GENEALOGY BUFFS will find a list of 1888 county officers and businesses. A 1933 history of newspapers in the county, a brief look at Chief Cornstalk, the Legend of Point Pleasant, and maps showing the 88 Ohio counties and 1805 Ohio, and a 1940 look at the county are also included.

History of Clermont County Ohio
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