1803      Happy 200th Birthday OHIO!      2003



Early days in SUMMIT County, OH, including the communities of Akron, Middlebury, Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Twinsburg, Peninsula, Tallmadge, Copley Center, Clinton, Manchester, Mogadore, Richfield and Western Star are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this NEW 49 Page Booklet, reprinted from the 1892 Centennial edition of Henry Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio, the 1940 WPA Writers project The Ohio Guide, and other hard-to-find sources. The spiral-bound booklet is one-sided on 60# paper with the fine print enlarged for easier reading.
will receive THREE Computer-Enhanced 8 1/2 x 11 Prints of engravings from the original book, suitable for framing. These include the 1846 sketch of Akron from the Medina Road, Middlebury from the Tallmadge Road, and the Ravine at Cuyahoga Falls.
Among the many and diverse topics discussed in the booklet are: the Ice Age, the Indian Portage Path, Dangerous Traveling, Cattle Drives through the Wilderness, Difficulty in Obtaining Supplies, a Perilous Voyage, David Hudson and Family, Western Reserve College, the Ohio Canal, an Indian Visitor, a Notorious Counterfeiter, a Remarkable Case of Circumstantial Evidence, David Bacon - missionary, John Brown - the Abolitionist, the Sewer Pipe Industry, Match Makers of Akron, Middlebury Hydraulic Co., Akron Soldiers' Memorial Chapel, Buchtel College (later, Akron University), the Akron School System, Tallmadge - the Christian Colony, Stigwanish and his Sons, a Lottery System, and Rattlesnakes Stories.
GENEALOGY BUFFS will find a list of 1888 county officers and businesses, and biographies of the Rev. Dr. Henry M. Storrs, Dr. Leonard Bacon, Delia Bacon - a writer, David Francis Bacon, John Strong Newberry, Samuel Bissell and his "Twinsbury Institute", and Joshua Stow.
A 1933 look at the history of newspapers in Summit County, and maps showing the 88 Ohio counties and 1805 Ohio are also included. The WPA book offers a look at the area in 1940, with historical observations and sight-seeing suggestions.

History of Summit County Ohio
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