"...the Vanguard of Manufacturing interests..."          

The history of the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, is recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this spiral-bound booklet, reprinted from two hard-to-find books: History of the State of Rhode Island  published in 1878 by Hoag, Wade & Co., Philadelphia, and Rhode Island, a Guide to the Smallest State, a WPA project published in 1937. The booklet measures 11" x 8 1/2" and is printed one-sided on 60# paper. A clear vinyl sheet has been added to protect cover, printed in copper, dark blue and black on Natural Skytone Parchtone stock.

The 1878 book excerpts cover the early development of this area, while passages from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glimpse from a later vantage point, including interesting historical notes, especially as they relate to sightseeing possibilities.  Among the many and diverse subjects taken from these books are: Physical features and geological traits; Early Settlers (many names) and Population Origins; Indian wars; Notable families, such as the Jencks and Wilkinson families; the Comstock, Scott, Bagley and Esten farms, and many others; Sam Patch, a remarkable athlete who "jumped the Niagara Falls"; Transportation and Bridges; Town Meetings and first members of the town council; the First cotton mill in America; Taverns, Hotels, Restaurants; Post offices; Blocks, Public Buildings and Halls (Lefavour Block, Ellis Block, A.M. Read Block, Miller Building, Town Record Building, Spencer Building, etc.); Business Interests -- Machines, Leather, Cotton Goods, Hardware, Pipefitting, etc;  Grocers and Markets; Coal Dealers; Artists, Blacksmiths, Paper hangers, Job Printers, Bakers, Livery Business, etc.; Physicians; Newspapers; Library; Banks; Fire Department and Fire Insurance; Water works; Police Force; Military Organizations -- North Providence Rangers, Pawtucket Light Guard, Pawtucket Horse Guards, Sheridan Light Infantry Company B, 6th Battalion RI Militia; Tower Light Battery; Cemeteries; Pawtucket Dispensary; Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Masons, Temperance and other associations (with many names of officers); Education; Brief Histories of Various Churches; and other interesting bits of history and trivia. There's also an early map of the state, a population table, and a tour of  points of interest.

The booklet contains some very nice sketches of early structures in the area: the residences of James Davis, S. Clapp, L.B. Darling, George Williams, Olney Arnold, the Old Slater Mill (first Cotton Mill in America), Old Slater Sunday School, Benedict House, Broad Street Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable, James Davis and Son, Tannery, L. B. Darling & Co. Manufactory, St. Joseph Church and the Res. of Pastor Kinnerney, and Lee's Block on Main St.

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