Just north of the State of Georgia...

Bradley County, Tennessee

New 37 Page Booklet

Early days in Bradley County, TN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet composed of historical tales, factual data and individual biographies excerpted from several sources, including the rare book: History of Tennessee, originally published by Goodspeed Publishing Co. in 1887. The 37-page booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

Some of the information in the booklet concerns: a description of the terrain, the "Cherokee Agency," early settlers, dispute over Indian treaty ceding lands to the USA, Sale of lands, organization of churches, organization of county and early officers, the circuit court, early members of the bar, the city of Cleveland, early businesses and newspapers, the Civil War years, and the town of Charleston.

This biography section of this booklet is a goldmine of information for genealogy seekers, usually giving the names of parents, spouse, in-laws, children, siblings, etc., as well as military service, politics, residence and occupation, in the course of which it often adds tidbits to the history of the area: J.N. Aikin, E.C. Anderson, T.L. Bates, P.L. Bible, P.L.Bryan, James S. Byrd, Charles T. Campbell, W.P. Campbell, John G. Carter, John B. Cate, V.A. Clemmer, R.L. Cleveland, James Cook, J.M. Crow, John P. Davis, William A. Denton, J.B. Fillaner, Andrew J. Fletcher, J.H. Gaut, S.P. Gaut, Rufus L. Graves, James S. Hancock, C.L. Hardwick, G.R. Hatcher, M.O. Hawk, Henry B. Henegar, Judge John B. Hoyl, John Hughes, Thomas B. Jones, James M. Johnston, Samuel Julian, Robert P. Julian, M.L. Julian, F.P. Kanester, Samuel Kibler, James M. Knox, William Knox, J.P. Lea, W.C. Mansfield, P.B. Mayfield, Columbus A. Mee, W.H, McKamy, John McPherson, H.J. Parks, A.A. Ragsdale, Dr. A.D. Scruggs, Dr. J.S. Shugart, Dr. Isham C. Simmons, Samuel Reese, John Richey, Martin L. Riggs, J.A. Steed, Rev. J.A. Stubblefield. Rev. David Sullins, Joseph R. Taylor, J.N. Taylor, Jonathan Caswell Tipton, William Sharon Tipton, E.C. Tipton, Arthur Traynor, W.D. Traynor, William Trewhitt, W.H. Weatherly, W.G. Weatherly, and A.J. White.

The final part of the booklet contains brief excerpts from Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster, Tennessee, a Guide to the State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939. The WPA book mentions Bob Jones College and the Central Avenue Tabernacle. A small map shows the general location of this area.

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