History of

wCarroll County, TN

New 66-Page Booklet

Early days in Carroll County in western Tennessee, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet compiled from excerpts from: History of Tennessee, originally published in 1886 by Goodspeed Publishing Co., and Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster (1923), and Tennessee, a Guide to the State, a 1939 Federal Writer's Project of the WPA. The new 66-page booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

Among the subjects included are: Geography; First Settlements and early pioneers; Agriculture; Organization of the county; County Officers and court officials; the first Courthouse and other buildings; Attorneys and grand jurors; Court actions, including murders; the Mexican War; the Civil War-- the Carroll Invincibles and other units, both Confederates and Union troups; Huntington -- businesses, mills, societies, newspapers, etc.; McKenzie and McLemoresville; Pioneer school teachers and schools; the McTyeire Institute; Churches, and other items of interest.

Besides the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are a number of biographies. Most are fairly lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include: G.J. Adams, John G. Belew, John G. Blount, J.H. Bramley, Alfred Briant, A.D. Bryant, John J. Burrow, E.M. Canon, M. DeWitt Carnal, William M. Carson, Rev. A.E. Cooper, Dr. W.E. Curtis, B.A. Denney, J.L. Dickens, W.H. Eason, E. Falkner, J.M. Gilbert, Granville Goodloe, Dr. R.D. Guin, Dr. Andrew E. Hastings, Alvin Hawkins, Albert G. Hawkins, Capt. Samuel W. Hawkins, Albert Hilliard, W.H. Hilliard, G.W. Humble, William Johnson, B.F. Jones, J.H. Keaton, Dr. Adam Kilmer, Robert G. Kyle, H.C. Lawhon, Dr. Dudley S. Laws, T.B. Manning, Dr. Joseph W. McCall, George T. McCall, J.C. McCollum, Joseph McCracken, Harris B. Mebane, Dr. H.D. McGill, A.C. McNeill, David McMackin, J.D. Moore, Gen. W.W. Murray, Dr. W.R. Newsom, W. Albert Palmer, Charles F. Phillips, Benjamin S. Pritchard, A.G. Propst, E.G. Ridgley, Furmon C. Sanders, James F. Sloan, Robert M. Stofle, E.B. Teachout, Haywood B. Thomas, Henry C. Townes, Alexander C. Tucker, E.W. Williams, Sanford N. Williams, Lorenzo F. Williams, and Dr. W. M. Wright.

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