History of
wFranklin County, Tennessee
New 56-Page Booklet |
Early days in Franklin County in Middle Tennessee are recalled in this spiral bound booklet compiled from excerpts from: History of Tennessee, originally published in 1886 by Goodspeed Publishing Co., and Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster (1923), ), and Tennessee, a Guide to the State, a 1939 Federal Writer's Project of the WPA. The new 56-page booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.
Among the subjects included are: physical features, names of many early settlers, including Davy Crockett, Incidents with Indians, rattlesnakes, early mills and cotton gins, railroads, illnesses, formation of the county, county buildings, officials, presidential election results, court cases -- the trial of Rufus Anderson for the killing of Tom Taul, trial of John Farris for killing his slave James, and others, hangings and lynchings, lawyers and judges, the "Revolutionary Volunteers of Franklin County," Civil War period, cities and towns -- Winchester, Decherd, Cowan, and others, businesses, newspapers, churches, schools and colleges, and other items.
Besides the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are a number of biographies. Most are fairly lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children, in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses, professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include: Oliver N. Alden, John F. Anderson, Captain Clem. Arledge, George E. Banks, Dr. James P. Barton, Exekiel M. Bean, John K. Bennett, Henson G. Blanton, William M. Boucher, Peter C. Breeden, W.W. Brittain, Stephen W. Brown, David L. Buckner, John M. Donaldson, Rev. William Porcher Du Bose, Thomas A. Embrey, Floyd Estill, Nathan Francis, Rev. Thomas Frank Gailor, J.A. Gaines, Irvin C. Garner, John H. Gillespie, Zuinglius C. Graves, Isaac Gray, Thomas D. Gregory, George O. Hannum, James L. Hatchett, John Hessler, Isebrand H. Heikens, Rev. Telfair Hodgson, Samuel C. Hoge, William B. Holt, Henry S. Hudgins, Charles L. Jones, William M. Keith, John M. Kelly, Henry M. Laird, William T. League, Dan Lenehan, John Lipscomb, John T. Lipscomb, Hugh N. Lucas, John D. Lynch, EDavid Lyons, Gov. A.S. Marks, William W. Martin, John H. Martin, Isaac N. Martin, John W. Mason, Capt. Stephen D. Mather, Lewis Metcalfe, Jacob Miescher, Samuel M. Miller, Jefferson D. Miller, J. C. Montgomery, Horatio R. Moore, T.F. Moseley, John R. Oliver, R.C. Patrick, John A. Ruch, William Rutledge, Larkin R. Sartain, Dr. J.C. Shapard, E.E. Sherwood, Joseph A. Short, Gen. Francis A. Shoup, John Simmons, A.J. Skidmore, Dr. Flavel B. Sloan, Gen. E. Kirby Smith, John M. Stewart, John W. Syler, William E. Taylor, charles H. Wadhams, John W. Weber, M.N. Whitaker, Greenough White, B. Lawton Wiggins, Claiborne N. Williams, Dr. Harvey P. Williams, George Thornton Wilmer and Joseph D. Wilson.
The WPA section includes information on the University of the South in Sewanee and three notable Winchester men -- Hopkins Turney, John Ruck and Francis Joseph Campbell.
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