Gibson County, Tennessee

New 107 Page Booklet

Early days in Gibson County, TN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet primarily excerpted from the rare 1887 book: History of Tennessee, originally published by Goodspeed Publishing Co. The booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The first 20 pages of the booklet are devoted to the history of the county, while most of the balance contains biographies of prominent residents, some of which include insights into local history.

Included are a physical description of the county, agriculture, earliest settlers and settlements, first water mill, first cotton gin, county establishment, names of many early county officials, county buildings, county attorneys, the cities of Trenton, Humboldt, Milan and Rutherford, and their various business enterprises; early physicians, newspapers and fraternal organizations; the towns of Dyer, Yorkville, Eaton, Brazil, Gibson, South Gibson, Medina, Bradford, Idlewild, and Gibson Wells; Gibson County in the Civil War; Education, including Andrew College, Humboldt Female College, South Gibson Institute, Milan College, Shiloh Academy, the Odd Fellow's Female Collegiate Institute, and others; and early churches and minister.

Biographies include the following surnames: Adams, Altman (2), Aslin, Baker, Banks (2), Bass, Belew, Bell, Benton, Berry, Biggs, Blackburn, Bledsoe, Bodkin, Bobbitt, Boone, Boyett, Bone, Bogle, Bobbitt, Bradford, Brickhouse, Bradley, Buchanan, Butler (2), Burrow, Cain, Caldwell, Callis, Caneer, Carlton, Canon, Carne, Chunn, Clay, Clement, Clements, Clopton, Coleman, Conlee, Corley, Crews (2), Cunningham, Currey, Curtis, Custer, Davidson (3), Danner, DeLap, Dodson, Dowland, Dorsett, Draper, Drane, Dunlap, Edwards, Edmonds, Edmondson, Elder, Elrod, Ewell, Fain, Ferrell, Fiser, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Flowers (2), Foster (2), Ford, Flynn, Garner, Gentry, Gibbs, Glasscock, Glenn (2), Gordon, Mathes, Grayson, Grier, Griffin, Halliberton, Hale (2), Hamilton, Harris, Harwood, Happel, Harrison, Henderson, Hefley, Hicks (2), Higgason, Hockaday, Hooper, Howell, Holder, Holmes, Hopper, Horner, Hunt, Hudson, Hutchison, Ing, Jarrell, Johnson (2), Jones (2), Jordan, Keathley, King, Kyzer, Lasley, Lett, Levy (2), Locke, Love, Loving (2), Lowe, Lusk (2), Martin, Marcrum, Mathes, Maxwell, McAliley, McFarlen, W.S. McCaslin, McLeskey, McDaniel, McKenzie (2), McCoy, McFarland, McKnight, Medling, Miller, Mitchell (2), Moore (3), Mobley, Moseley, Mullins, Neil, Neill, Nethery, Oliver, Oppenheimer, Orr, Overall (2), Parker, Patton, Paris, Parr, Pearce, Penn (2), Peete, Pipkin, Pratt (2), Rains (3), Ramsey (2), Rankin, Randle, Rea, Rhodes, Richarson (2), Richmond, Riley, Robinson (2), Roberts, Rosson, Rogers, Russell, Rust, Sanders, Senter (3), Seymour, Scruggs, Shackelford, Skiles, Smith, Somers, Stone, Swindell, Tharp, Thetford, Thomas (2), Thompson (2), Timmins, Tighlman, Tull, Turner, Tyson, Van Hook, Vaughan, Waddill, Wade (3), Walker, Ware, Warmath, Whitson, White, Williams (5), Wilson, Wilkes, Witt (2), Wren, Wright, and Wyatt.

The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster, and an excerpt from Tennessee, a Guide to the State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939.

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