Including the City of Knoxville

History of

wKnox County, Tennessee

New 114-Page Booklet


The early history of Knox County, Tennessee, which includes the City of Knoxville, is recalled in this spiral bound booklet taken from: History of Tennessee, originally published in 1887 by Goodspeed Publishing Co. The new 114-page spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The booklet contents include: the physical features -- rivers, ridges, soil, etc.;early settlers; government; Conflicts and treaties with Indians; Murders; Transportation; Courts; Officials; County buildings; Attorneys; Col. John Williams, William C. Mynatt, Pryor Lea, Richard G. Dunlap, the Anderson family, Judge Thomas L. Williams, John R. Nelson, Samuel B. Rogers, Samuel B. Kennedy, William G. McAdoo, Ebenezer Alexander, Seth J. W. Lucky; Military achievements; the Civil War; the City of Knoxville -- history, businesses, bank, water company, epidemics, the semi-centennial held in 1842, effects of the Civil War on the city, Knoxville Iron Company, the Southern Car Company, the Knoxville Foundry and Machine Shops, and other manufacturers, Insurance companies, Fraternal organizations, Doctors, Newspapers, Schools and Universities; the town of Concord; and Churches -- Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists and others.

A second booklet will soon be available with biographies of many Knox County residents taken from this same source, plus items of interest from other sources.

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