Lake County, Tennessee

New 29 Page Booklet

Early days in Lake County, TN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet compiled from excerpts from the rare 1887 book: History of Tennessee, originally published by Goodspeed Publishing Co., and other sources. The booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.

The first part of the booklet concerns the history of the county and includes: a description of the terrain, soil and agriculture; first settlers, early public officials, various "firsts", the town of Tiptonville, various small communities (Cronanville, Ross' Landing, Reelfoot, and Horn Ridge), local units in the Civil War; and early schools and churches.

The next section of the booklet contains biographies of prominent residents, several of which include interesting tales of local history, murder and adventure: Washington Alexander, John Arnett, Levi Bates, Benjamin F. Beckham, the Cates Family, Henry Darnall, William A. J. Davis, Mrs. Caroline Dickinson, Lauchlan Donaldson, Milton Donaldson, Richard Everett, D. G. Ferguson, F. H. Griffin, William Harper, James Harris, H.M. Hassell, Austin Hines, M.J. Holifield, Robert Lewis family, Wyatt Mooring, William Moss, Smith Newton, Robert T. Parks, the Peacock Family, George B. Riley, William A. Sims, Robert Thompson, the Tipton Family, Robert Watson, Robert Webb, K. M. Wright and William Wynn.

The final part of the booklet contains a brief excerpt from Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster, and a tour of Reelfoot Lake from Tennessee, a Guide to the State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939.

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