History ofMontgomery County, TNNew 88-Page Booklet |
Early days in Montgomery County in North Central Tennessee are recalled in this spiral bound booklet compiled from excerpts from: History of Tennessee, originally published in 1886 by Goodspeed Publishing Co., and Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster (1923), and Tennessee, a Guide to the State, a 1939 Federal Writer's Project of the WPA. The new 65-page booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.Among the subjects included are: County boundaries and boundary changes; Minerals, agriculture and soil; Early visitors -- Capt. DeMunbreun's party and Col. John Donelson's party; Names of early settlers; Indian massacres, Renfroe's Station and other early settlements; William Prince, James Ford, John Montgomery, Martin Armstrong, and other early notables; Court actions and trials, including several murder cases; Slavery issues; Early county officials and county representatives in the state government; Pre-Civil War sentiments; Civil War -- names of some soldiers; Delegates to the Columbia Convention; Political history of the county; Iron furnaces; Railroads; Court houses and other county buildings; Churches; Clarksville mayors between 1856 and 1883; Businesses; Southwestern Presbyterian University and other schools; Businesses; Newspapers; Clarksville Tobacco Board of Trade; Fire of 1878; Other towns -- Palmyra, Port Royal, New Providence, Bald Hornet and Rex; and other items of interest.Individual biographies are not included in this booklet. They will be offered in a separate booklet, which will be available by summer.Wouldn't this make a unique gift? |
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