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Biographies ofShelby County, TNIncluding theCity of MemphisNew 87-Page Booklet |
Biographies of numerous Shelby County, Tennessee, residents in the late 1800s, and other historical material is included in this spiral bound booklet taken from three sources: History of Tennessee, originally published in 1887 by Goodspeed Publishing Co., Counties of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster (1923), and Tennessee, a Guide to the State (1939).The new 87-page 11 x 8 1/2 inch spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.A booklet featuring Goodspeed's History of Shelby County is also available. You can find it in our eBay Store.Besides being of interest to their decendants, the biographies often give insight to the history of the area and the times. Some businesses are also included, as indicated by underlining. The biographies include:William A. Albright, C.H. Albright, James P. Alexander, Rev. J.D. Anderson, David O. Andrews, E.M. Apperson, T.B. Armistead, Spencer F. Armour, Dr. W.T. Arrington, Miss Cora H. Ashe, J.A. Austin, Benjamin Babb & Co., A.R. Barret & Son, Thomas Barrett, G.T. Bassett, George H. Battier, W.D. Beard, Julian Bedford, Hugh L. Bedford, William D. Bethell, William A. Bickford, Dr. Henry H. Bickford, B.J. Bicknell, R.J. Black, Dr. Nicholas Blackwell, George H. Blood, Dr. J.P. Bone, George C. Borner, Thomas Van Brady, Eugene L. Broun, M.S. Buckingham, Dr. R.E. Bullington, Michael Burke, C.L. Byrd & Co., P. Callahan & Co., William D. Cannon, Rev. John B. Canada, Richard S. Capers, A.T. Chambers, Major John A. Cheatham, W.L. Clapp, James E. Clary, J.W. Cochran, R.L. Cochran, Joseph L. Cody, A.E. Cole (w/ F.M. Hughes), James M. Coleman, A.M. Cooke, L.P. Cooper, Henry Craft, Richard G. Craig, Thomas B. Crenshaw, Mrs. E. J. Crockett, William R. Cross, Hugh B. Cullen, John Cummins, P. Cunningham, W.H. Dale & Co., Squire Henry E. Cannon, William C. Davis, William P. Deadrick, James Degnan, S.A. Douglas, G.L. Douglass, Dr. J.P. Douglas, Judge A.H. Douglass, Dr. William H. Douglass, Julius J. Du Bose, John J. Duffy, P.H. Duff, Dr. George K. Duncan, Oliver M. Dunn, Samuel H. Dunscomb, Albert L. Duval, Lucien B. Eaton, Dr. B.H. Eddins, T.B. Edgington, James W. Edwards, Dr. T.E. Edwards, John T. Elliott, R.E. Ellis, Newman Erb, J.T. Fargason, H.C. Fisher, John M. Fleming, Ford & LeMaster, Col. R. Dudley, J.A. Fry, Fulmer, Thornton & Co., C.B. Galloway, Jacob S. Galloway, Robert W. Galloway, Gantt & Patterson, Samuel Garner, Kenneth Garrett, John Gaston, Gilchrist & Martin, Dr. D.G. Godwin, I. Goldsmith & Bros., Edward Goldsmith, James M. Goodbar, A.B. Goodbar, Edward W. Gorman, R.C. Graves, John R. Greer, Henry L. Guion, Benjamin F. Haller, Andrew J. Harris, Needham F. Harrison, Capt. James Harvey Mathes, David Hastings, Hatchett & Stratton, Haynes, Ellis & Co., F.H. Heiskell, Judge C.W. Heiskell, John L. Henderson, Dr. W.L. Henderson, Dr. B.G. Henning, George H. Herbers, F.B. Herron, A. Bruce Hill, Dr. J.T.B. Hillhouse, Hirsch & Gronauer, Tom Holeman, Dr. W.D. Horne, Mrs. W.H. Horton, Bernard Hughes, Emmett Howard, Harrison Irby, Dr. C.E. Jackson, Benjamin W. Jeter, C.O. Johnson, G.W. Jones & Co., R.L. Jones, Wharton Stewart Jones, N.M. Jones, Dr. Huber Jones, Philip B. Jones, George S. Jordan, Richard D. Jordan, Patrick Kallaher, Edward A. Keeling, Kelly, Roper & Reilly, Elias Keck, A.J. Knapp, Spence H. Lamb, T.J. Latham, A.G. Laxton, James Lee Jr., T.L. Lee, Lemmon & Gale, Capt. Joseph Lenow, Lilly Carriage Company, Rev. Father M.D. Lilly, A.S. Livermore, Col. Robert F. Looney, C.L. Loop, E. Lowenstein & Bros., A.B. Lurry, John Lynch, Mallory, Crawford & Co., Dr. Samuel Mansfield, A.J. Martin, E.D. Massey, James Clare McDavitt, Samuel Irwin McDowell, Niles Meriwether, The Memphis Cider & Vinegar Works, J.S. Menkin, David A. Merrell, Dr. J.L. Mewborn, Dr. J.P. McGee, George W. McGinnis, W.N. Miller, William E. Miller, Dr. J.L. Minor, William Robert Moore, P.J. Moran, Judge R.J. Morgan, Dr. S.J. Morrison, E.B. Moseley, McKeen & Cross, Andrew J. Murray, Capt. W.N. Nevill, A.W. Newsom, T.L. Nolley, D.B. Nugent, Nutzell, Wade Wagon Company, Dr. G. W. Overall, Walter L. Parker, Page M. Patterson, Joseph T. Penton, Calvin Perkins, George B. Peters Jr., Augustus F. Phillips, William E. Polk, Capt. E.C. Postal, Poston & Poston, George R. Powel, Col. Joseph D. Powell, John H. Priddy, W.P. Proudfit, Benjamin K. Pullen Jr., Dr. Hortensius W. Purnell, Peter J. Quigley, Gilbert D. Raine, C.H. Raine, Richard J. Rawlings, S.P. Read, James Reilly, A. Renkert, Miss Annie C. Reudelhuber, Rev. Nemesius Rohde, William H. Robinson, John Roper, Anthony Ross, Maj. Frank W. Royster, Capt. C.B. Russell, George W. Rutland, George Rutschman, Dr. D.D. Saunders, Lemuel A. Scarbrough, Daniel Schloss, Schoolfield, Hanauer & Co., Thomas M. Scruggs, Miss M.L. Scudder, Rev. Davis Sessums, Dr. H.J. Shaw, Mrs. John Shipp (and Chamberlayne Jones), Howell Sigler, David G. Slaughter, John D. Slaughter, Charles M. Small, Gen. William J. Smith, James H. Smith, W.A. Smith, Albert H. Smith, W.M. Sneed, John K. Speed, Andrew J. Steele, J.D. Stewart, Dr. Cyrus M. Stewart, W.B. Stewart, A.A. Strange, Dr. A.S. Stratton, John H. Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, Julius A. Taylor, George W. Thomas, The Memphis Carriage Works, William A. Tucker, T.B. Turley, Gen. Alfred J. Vaughan, Rev. John Veale, A.J. Vincent, Joseph K. Waddy, Rev. William Walsh, Hiram Campbell Warinner, Fred J. Warner, Caesar Weatherford, A.M. West, William A. Wheatley, Col. F.M. White, Dr. Elbert A. White, A.J. Whitney, Dr. E. Miles Willett, John W. Willey, W.N. Wilkerson, George Winchester, Woods & Swoope, Archibald Wright, Thomas R. Yancey, James Yonge, James W. Young and Zellner & Co.The excerpt from Foster's book gives an overview of the county, while the excerpt from the WPA guidebook offers a look at 49 Memphis sites.Wouldn't this make a unique gift? |
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