Smith County, Tennessee
New 63
Page Booklet
Early days in Smith
County, TN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet primarily
excerpted from the rare 1887 book: History of Tennessee,
originally published by Goodspeed Publishing Co. The booklet is
printed on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading.
A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.
mentioned in the booklet include: Carthage
(county seat), Gordonsville, South Carthage and
The first 15 pages
of the booklet are devoted to the history of the county, while most
of the balance contains biographies of prominent residents, some
of which include insights into local history.
Among the many subjects
included are: a physical
features of the county, including the Cumberland River; William
Walton, who settlered in the area in 1787, and other early settlers;
Hanging Maw and his Indians; Revolutionary soldiers' land grants,
Dr. F.H. Gordon and blue-grass; county establishment, names of many
early county officials; Rates for tavern-keepers and ferry passage;
taxes, including poll taxes; first grand jury and early court cases;
War of 1812 and Civil War; Business establishments in Carthage;
county buildings; Churches; a visit from Lorenzo Dow, a novel, but
poetic, resignation, and other items of interest.
Biographies include
the following names: G.D.
Alexander, J.D. Allen, Jackson Apple, W.A. Baird, J.A. Barrett,
S.T. Clark, D.K. Conditt, W.B. Cundall, Dr. L.H. Davis, Thomas Dies,
Dr. John Estes, J.J. Eastes, William Farley, T.J. Fisher Sr., C.S.
Fisher, Col. John Fite, R.D. Flippen, G.C. Flippin, W.W. Ford, Col.
A.E. Garrett, G.H. Glass, W.D. Gold, John Harrison Gordon, A.B.
Hall, Henry Hart, B.A. James, Dr. J.L. Jones, W.T. Jones, James
B. Jones, W.L. Kemp Jr., Dr. Abram King, Dr. R.W. King, Dr. Elijah
Knight, Michael Lancaster, John Luster, Thomas J. Mabry, Thomas
McCall, Mrs. Maria McClellan, S.S. McDonald, Ridley McDonald, John
McDonald, Mrs. Julia McDonald, James Newbell, Henry Petty, S.M.
Phelps, J.C. Prichard, Thomas Prowell, J.S. Prowell, William Robinson,
Elijah Saulmon, Robert L. Scruggs, Dr. D.V. Seay, W.R. Shaver, J.F.
Shaw, B.F.C. Smith, Dr. Frank Swope, J.P. Temple, George W. Thackston,
Capt. R.R. West, D.H. Witt, W.C. Wright, and J.H. Young.
The final part of
the booklet contains an excerpt from Counties of Tennessee
by Austin P. Foster, and a brief excerpt on Carthage and map of
the area from Tennessee, a Guide to the State, compiled and
written by the Federal Writer's Project of the WPA in 1939.
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