Early days in Wayne
County, TN, are recalled in this spiral bound booklet compiled
from excerpts from the 1887 book: History of Tennessee, originally
published by Goodspeed Publishing Co., and other sources. The 60-page
booklet is printed one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged
for easier reading. A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the
front cover.
The first 14 pages
of the booklet are devoted to the history of the county. Included
are a physical description of the county, early settlers, early
merchants and industries, creation of the county, justices, first
courthouse, jail, and poor farm, early court cases, county court
clerks, masonic lodge, newspaper, divided Civil War sentiment --
Ninth Tennessee Cavalry (Confederates) and Company A of the Tenth
Tennessee(Union) and others, Schools and Churches, etc. Waynesboro
is the county seat. Other communities (some no longer in existance)
include Ashland, Clifton, Carrollsville, Flatwood, and Old Town.
the names mentioned in the first part of the booklet, there are
biographies of many county residents of yesteryear. Most are fairly
lengthy, and often include ancestors, previous residences, children,
in-laws, affiliations, war records, and business activities. In
the course of this they often shed light on the early businesses,
professions and institutions in the county. The biographies include:
Thomas F.
Acklin, David R. Adams, John M. Barnett, William L. Bell, Joseph
G. Berry, William J. Berry, Jonathan Frank Biffle, Frank Boyd, George
W. Boyd, Capt. William L. Bromley, John J. Bromley, Dr. Cicero Buchanan,
Jacob B. Burns, Polk D. Burns, Nathan F. Burns, Lytle Burns, William
E. Carroll, Jackson M. Choat, George T. Choat, Judge John H. Cole,
Thomas N. Copeland, Dr. Nathaniel T. Cook, William M. Cook, Capt.
Peyton H. Craig, Jonathan Crews, Armstead H. Cunningham, John R.
Davis Sr., William C. Davis, William J. Dickerson, Columbus F. Dixon,
Dr. Thomas S. Evins, Isaac H. Gobbel, John Grimes, Harold A. Grimes,
Robert A. Haggard, Egbert T. Hartwell, Amos T. Hassell, Henry A.
Helton, Jacob Hollabaugh, James P. Hollis, James A. Holt, Thomas
J. Huckaba, T.R. Hughes, William Hurt, John Jackson, David S. Jackson,
Squire Allen P. Luna, Richard C. Martin, James E.M. McAnally, LeRoy
McGee, Elihu D. McGlamery, James H. McLemore, Thomas Meredith, James
F. Meredith, James H. Merriman, John F. Montague, James L. Morgan,
Jonathan Morris, Merida Morrison, William D. Morrisson, John J.
Nichols, John A. Nutt, Andrew C. Rasbury, Lott G. Rasbury, W.T.
Ricketts, John Robnett, James T. Shields, Charles W. Shipman, Matthew
J. Sims, Shields Sims, Henry Clay Sims, Abraham M. Sims, Dr. Samuel
A. Smith, John Stockard, Willis S. Stone, Christopher C. Stribling,
Carns M. Tinnon, William Turman, John Turman, Ambrose M. Turnbow,
Andrew Williams and Matthew and Joseph Youngblood.
Brief excerpts from Counties
of Tennessee by Austin P. Foster, and Tennessee, a Guide
to the State, compiled and written by the Federal Writer's Project
of the WPA in 1939, are included.
There are a few illustrations, but the quality of these is only fair.
Wouldn't this make a unique gift? |