Early days in Weakley
County, TN, are recalled
in this spiral bound booklet compiled from excerpts from the rare
1887 book: History of Tennessee, originally published by
Goodspeed Publishing Co., and other sources. The booklet is printed
one-sided on 60# paper with the print enlarged for easier reading.
A vinyl sheet has been added to protect the front cover.
Weakley County lies
south of the Kentucky border in west Tennessee. The first part of
this booklet concerns the land surface and waterways; wild game,
the cultivation of cotton and tobacco, and the names of many early
settlers and settlements. Col. Davy Crockett settled in the county
in 1823. Also included are early population figures for "white"
and "colored", names of early county officials, including
the first grand jurors, and public buildings; early county cases;
members of the bar; the railroad; county representation in the various
wars; Civil War units including the "Hickory Blues"; a
list of early merchants in Dresden (the county seat); Organizations
and Newspapers; Small communities, including Martin, Greenfield,
and Dukedom; and Schools and churches.
The next section of the booklet
contains biographies of prominent residents, several of which
include items of local history:James Alexander, Columbus Allen,
Joseph Bandy, W.G. Barger, A.J. Bishop, W.B. Blakemore, A.V. Boden,
Benjamin Bondurant, R.F. Bostick, G.E. Bowden, George Boyd, W.V.
Brann, J.C. Brasfield, George Brasfield, J.W. Bradley, W.J. Burchard,
W.J. Burchard, W.J. Burnett, William Caldwell, P.A. Cashon, A.M.
Clemons, G.W. Conner, C.W. Cottell, J.H. Davis, E.R. Dent, Joseph
Dent, H.N. Edmunds, B.B. Edwards, J.A. Eskridge, Charles Ewing,
J.B. Ezell, Thomas Farnmer, Alpheus Finch, Mrs. T.J. Frazier,
J.E. Freeman, Alfred Gardner, A.C. Gardner, John Gardner, Joshua
Gardner, J. Almus Gardner, W.A. Goodwin, M.Z. Hankins, M. Hannins,
Lea Harris, A. Harler, Enoch Heath, William Hill, Elliott Hornbeak,
Henry Hudson, W.W. Hughlett, G.W.L. Hynds, Robert Irvine, Clarence
Irvine, B.D. Irvine, William Janes, A.J. Jeffress, John Jeter,
A. Jolley, William Jones, R.B. King, Edmon Latham, W.T. Lawler,
Robert Lewis, Thomas Little, G.W. Martin, Thomas Martin, J.M.
Meadows, Peter Moseley, W.A. Muse, J.W. Myrick, Robert Orrell,
J.G. Parker, J.H.D. Parrish, John Pickard, John Priestley, J.M.
Ridgway, Benjamin Roberts, J.W. Rogers, P.M. Rogers, Dabney Rogers,
G.W. Rowlett, C.M. Sebastian, D. Warren Scates, A.E. Scott, W.C.
Scott, C.B. Scott, S.P. Scott, Ethelbert Shannon, James Shannon,
Henry Shannon, W.B. Simpson, W.H. Smalley, John Smyth, John Somers,
Lewis Stunston, Thomas Swaim, Edward Tansil, J.N. Terrell, G.C.
Thomas, J.G. Thomason, W.G. Trent, Alex Tucker, C.J. Tully, H.P.
Walker, J.W. Waters, Mrs. L.A. Whitlock, Andrew Williams, W.H.
Wilson and George Winstead.
The final part of the booklet
contains a brief excerpt from Counties of Tennessee by
Austin P. Foster, and excerpts from Tennessee, a Guide to the
State. This book was compiled and written by the Federal Writer's
Project of the WPA in 1939.
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