The City of Richmond, and...

Henrico County, Virginia

New 34 Page Booklet

Early days in Henrico County, VA -- which today encompasses the communities of and Unionville -- are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this booklet, comprised of excerpts from two rare vintage books: Historical Collections of Virginia by Henry Howe;  and Virginia, a Guide to the Old Dominion, a WPA Writer's Program publication. The spiral-bound booklet is printed on 60#  8 1/2 x11" paper, with the print enlarged to fit the paper. The front cover is protected with a vinyl sheet.

The Howe history, printed in 1845, covers the early development of this area, while excerpts from the WPA book, give a nostalgic glimpse from a 1940 vantage point, including interesting historical notes and sightseeing possibilities. 

Among the many subjects discussed are: hysical Features of the area, ; and other interesting bits of history and trivia.

Illustrations include:  Richmond (full page), a Diagram of the Skirmish at Richmond in 1781, the Burning of the Richmond Theatre, St. John's Church, and "The Old Stone House" on Main Street.

The booklet has no index, so I can't check for individual names, but I am happy to answer other questions.

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History of
Henrico County
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